by Ganesh Sahathevan

Ambassador Cheng Jingye Pays an Official Visit to the State of New
South Wales (2016/08/16)
Zhu's Top Education Group Law School, which is formally known as the Sydney City School Of Law,is not certified by the Australian Law Schools Standards Committee (ALSSC).
The ALSSC certifies law schools and the list of law schools, and law degrees, that are certified by the ALSCC can be sighted at this link:
It is clear that the is not among the certified.
The ALSSC describes its functions on its website in the following terms:
The Australian Law Schools Standards Committee (ALSSC) is established under Standard 12 of the Australian Law School Standards. The ALSSC’s functions are to:
- consider and determine applications from law schools for certification as compliant with the Standards; and
- keep the Standards under review and to propose to CALD amendments from time to time.
The ALSSC is comprised of eight committee members from both within and outside the law school sector.
The circumstances surrounding the exception the NSW LPAB, and its chairman, the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst made in the case of Zhu and Top Group remain shrouded in mystery. Bathurst and his NSW LPAB have not only refused to answer any questions about their dealings with Zhu, they have also failed to fully disclose the approval process in the NSW LAPB Annual Reports.
That stone-walling continues despite Zhu suspending enrolment in his law school for the second consecutive year.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Zhu Minshen Top Group law school enrolments still frozen: Regulator NSW LPAB & its Chairman , the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, maintain silence, despite reaccrediting Zhu's law school in 2019 for five years
by Ganesh Sahathevan
Ambassador Cheng Jingye Pays an Official Visit to the State of New
South Wales (2016/08/16)
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Zhu Minshen Top Group law school froze enrolments in 2019 after NSW LPAB reaccreditation: NSW LPAB & its Chairman , the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, have provided no explanation
South Wales (2016/08/16)
The following statement appears at the bottom of Zhu Minhen's Top Education law school website:
* Law school is currently not accepting any new enrolments for its Bachelor of Laws course
Friday, September 27, 2019
Zhu Minshen announces that NSW LPAB review "went smoothly": AG NSW Mark Speakman and officers unconcerned by Clive Hamilton's disclosures of threats, intimidation and defiance of AFP directives ,share price collapse
The LPAB''s tick of approval does not seem to have reversed the downward trend in share price.Indeed it does look as if the LPAB has ignored all together the fact that Top's market capitalisation has collapsed since listing. Note that Top's shareprice has fallen 14.29% over the past month,compared to 1.13% for the overall market as measured by the Hang Seng Index
In the words of Zhu Minshen, chairman and CEO of his Top Education Group Ltd:
Bachelor of Law Re-accreditation
The scheduled re-accreditation process of our Bachelor of Laws (‘‘LLB’’) went smoothly. On 27 June 2019, TOP received formal notification from the Legal Profession Admission Board of New South Wales (‘‘LPAB’’) to accredit TOP’s LLB for a further five-year period commencing from the notification date.
All this despite the revelations of open defiance of an AFP directive, threats and intimidation disclosed in Clive Hamilton's "Silent Invasion",which have been previously reported on this blog:
In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised students , including students from his Top Education Institute to protest against Tibetans at the 2008 rally , which counted towards the Top students’ assessment. Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”
Hamilton provides details of Zhu's Communist Party China antecedents and his organisation of the 30,000 strong demonstration by Chinese students at the Canberra torch relay, many of them brandishing Chinese flags.
See Also
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