Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Peruvian Supreme Court judges join NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst in validating George Soros world domination conspiracy theories -Peruvian justices appear to have reached their conclusions independently of Bathurst & NSW LPAB's insights

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                                  Soros seems to have become a person of interest to Peruvian
                                   and Australian judges. 

Spanish language media in Peru are reporting that three judges of their  Supreme Court have found that Bill Gates, Soros and Rockefeller created the COVID-19 virus their quest for world dominance.

An excerpt from an article  in Spanish that has been  Google machine translated, published by El Tiempoof Peru  reads:

"No world government, natural and legal persons, nor the defendant's defence can maintain that this pandemic has the quality of 'predictable', except for the creators of the new world order, such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, among others," it was asserted in the resolution (decision), published on the Peruvian portal specialised in the subject 'LP Law(LP Derecho).

The Peruvian judges have affirmed the findings of Mr Thomas Bathurst , Chief Justice New South Wales, and the New South Wales  Legal Profession Admission Board of which he is chairman, who found in 2018 that Soros and others financed a conspiracy, which included this writer ,ABC Four Corners, and others to overthrow then Malaysian prime minister and the   government he lead, in another bid for world domination.

The Peruvian justices appear to have reached their conclusions independently of Bathurst and the  NSW LPAB's insights into Soros and his part in international affairs.


Would-be lawyer denied by blog

The body overseen by Chief Justice Tom Bathurst responsible for deciding who can practise law in NSW relied on a wildly defamatory Malaysian blog depicting ABC journalists, former British prime minister Tony Blair, financier George Soros and others as part of a global conspiracy when deciding to deny a would-be solicitor a certificate to practise.Chief Justice Bathurst and Legal Practitioner Admission Board executive officer Louise Pritchard declined to answer The Australian’s questions about how the article came into the board’s hands and why its members felt the conspiracy-laden material could be relied upon as part of a decision to deny Sydney man Ganesh Sahathevan admission as a lawyer.

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