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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query first and only. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

While ASIO boss Mike Burgess' warns of infiltration, NSW remains the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity, Top Education Group Ltd, the right to issue law degrees in Australia for admission to practise in Australia

 by Ganesh Sahatheva 

While ASIO boss Mike Burgess' warns again of infiltration, and this time with evidence of actual infiltration, NSW remains the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity, Top Education Group Ltd, the right to issue law degrees in Australia for admission to practise in Australia.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

ASIO chief Mike Burgess says China theft of intellectual property and spying "unprecedented in human history" but meanwhile NSW remains the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity, Top Education Group Ltd, the right to issue law degrees - Top Group is also a conduit into Australia for the banned Huawei and iFlytek

 by Ganesh Sahathevan  

ASIO chief Mike Burgess says: 

“I recognise that all nations spy,.........all nations seek secrets, and all nations seek strategic advantage. But the behaviour we’re talking about here goes beyond traditional espionage – and the threat is that we have the Chinese government engaged in the most sustained, scaled, and sophisticated theft of intellectual property – and acquisition of expertise – that is unprecedented in human history.”

Meanwhile  NSW remains the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity, Top Education Group Ltd,  the right to issue law degrees.


NSW and Australia the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity the right to issue law degrees: The case of NSW LPAB Chairman Tom Bathurst & Zhu Minshen likely to attract scrutiny from Malaysia, Singapore and UK authorities;Bathurst conduct in the Malaysian affair will add to suspicion

by Ganesh Sahathevan

                          Ambassador Cheng Jingye Pays an Official Visit to the State of New 
                          South Wales   (2016/08/16)

The decision to grant Zhu Minshen and his Top Group the right to issue law degrees is exceptional not only in Australia but in the world.No other country is known to have granted a China controlled entity the privilege of overseeing the training and regulation of its lawyers.

While Australian authorities may be reluctant to say or do anything about the exception granted Zhu, regulatory authorities in especially Malaysia and Singapore are quite likely to have launched their own investigations into the matter given the security implications. Australian lawyers often find work in Malaysia and Singapore and are often engaged in complex, high end work. Security has not likely to have been an issue for these were graduates of well known universities of known heritage. Having lawyers trained in a Chinese linked organisation changes things, and raises questions about the types of links that these lawyers may have to Communist Party Of China entities. 

Zhu Misnhen's Communist Party China links and political activities are an obvious red flag for any security agency, even if these are ignored in Australia. In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised  students, including students from his Top Education Institute to protest against Tibetans at a 2008 Olympic Torch rally which counted towards the Top students’ assessment. As Hamilton put it, Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”

Other Commonwealth jurisdictions are likely to be concerned as well, given that Australian admitted lawyers can seek admission to practise law in other Commonwealth jurisdictions with relative ease. 

The United Kingdom is likely to be especially interested, given the number of Australian admitted lawyers that have sought work and admission in the UK over more than a century.

Zhu and Top owe their exalted position in Australia and NSW's legal establishment to the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board and its chairman, the NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst (pictured above) who granted Top and Zhu the license to issue law degrees and create lawyers for admission to practise in NSW and Australia.

The NSW LPAB and the Chief Justice are already under scrutiny in Malaysia, where the conduct of the College Of Law Sydney over which they have regulatory oversight, is being investigated. Issues of concern include the College's exaggerated claims about its historical contributions to the Malaysian legal profession. The NSW LPAB and Chief Justice Bathurst ignored information against the College provided by Malaysian authorities, including the Registrar of Malaysia's highest court, the Federal Court. They then attempted to discredit the investigation into the College's conduct led by this writer. 
The Chief Justice has refused to answer all and any questions about his and the NSW LPAB's dealings with Zhu Minshen.


NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst will soon admit to legal practise Zhu Minshen's law graduates: Bathurst met with China Ambassador Cheng Jingye in 2016 & must explain what was discussed; Cheng's threat to harm the Australian economy demands that Bathurst provide complete details of dealings with Cheng,and Zhu.

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Thursday, October 19, 2023

ASIO chief Mike Burgess says China theft of intellectual property and spying "unprecedented in human history" but meanwhile NSW remains the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity, Top Education Group Ltd, the right to issue law degrees - Top Group is also a conduit into Australia for the banned Huawei and iFlytek

 by Ganesh Sahathevan  

ASIO chief Mike Burgess says: 

“I recognise that all nations spy,.........all nations seek secrets, and all nations seek strategic advantage. But the behaviour we’re talking about here goes beyond traditional espionage – and the threat is that we have the Chinese government engaged in the most sustained, scaled, and sophisticated theft of intellectual property – and acquisition of expertise – that is unprecedented in human history.”

Meanwhile  NSW remains the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity, Top Education Group Ltd,  the right to issue law degrees.


NSW and Australia the first and only jurisdiction in the world to grant a Chinese Communist Party linked entity the right to issue law degrees: The case of NSW LPAB Chairman Tom Bathurst & Zhu Minshen likely to attract scrutiny from Malaysia, Singapore and UK authorities;Bathurst conduct in the Malaysian affair will add to suspicion

by Ganesh Sahathevan

                          Ambassador Cheng Jingye Pays an Official Visit to the State of New 
                          South Wales   (2016/08/16)

The decision to grant Zhu Minshen and his Top Group the right to issue law degrees is exceptional not only in Australia but in the world.No other country is known to have granted a China controlled entity the privilege of overseeing the training and regulation of its lawyers.

While Australian authorities may be reluctant to say or do anything about the exception granted Zhu, regulatory authorities in especially Malaysia and Singapore are quite likely to have launched their own investigations into the matter given the security implications. Australian lawyers often find work in Malaysia and Singapore and are often engaged in complex, high end work. Security has not likely to have been an issue for these were graduates of well known universities of known heritage. Having lawyers trained in a Chinese linked organisation changes things, and raises questions about the types of links that these lawyers may have to Communist Party Of China entities. 

Zhu Misnhen's Communist Party China links and political activities are an obvious red flag for any security agency, even if these are ignored in Australia. In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised  students, including students from his Top Education Institute to protest against Tibetans at a 2008 Olympic Torch rally which counted towards the Top students’ assessment. As Hamilton put it, Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”

Other Commonwealth jurisdictions are likely to be concerned as well, given that Australian admitted lawyers can seek admission to practise law in other Commonwealth jurisdictions with relative ease. 

The United Kingdom is likely to be especially interested, given the number of Australian admitted lawyers that have sought work and admission in the UK over more than a century.

Zhu and Top owe their exalted position in Australia and NSW's legal establishment to the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board and its chairman, the NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst (pictured above) who granted Top and Zhu the license to issue law degrees and create lawyers for admission to practise in NSW and Australia.

The NSW LPAB and the Chief Justice are already under scrutiny in Malaysia, where the conduct of the College Of Law Sydney over which they have regulatory oversight, is being investigated. Issues of concern include the College's exaggerated claims about its historical contributions to the Malaysian legal profession. The NSW LPAB and Chief Justice Bathurst ignored information against the College provided by Malaysian authorities, including the Registrar of Malaysia's highest court, the Federal Court. They then attempted to discredit the investigation into the College's conduct led by this writer. 
The Chief Justice has refused to answer all and any questions about his and the NSW LPAB's dealings with Zhu Minshen.


NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst will soon admit to legal practise Zhu Minshen's law graduates: Bathurst met with China Ambassador Cheng Jingye in 2016 & must explain what was discussed; Cheng's threat to harm the Australian economy demands that Bathurst provide complete details of dealings with Cheng,and Zhu.

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Berejiklian high level security clearance untenable in light of ASIO revelations: AG Mark Speakman must share blame for security failures

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Troy Grant MP

NSW Libs received donations of $44,275 from TOP Education Grosup
just before after TOP was granted the "first & only" licenset issued a private
company to award law degrees: AG Speakman and his LPAB refuse to disclose
all details in the LPAB Annual Reports

ASIO has revealed  in its latest annual report that" during the past 12 months ASIO has "stepped up its investigations into attempts to secretly co-opt current and future Australian politicians".

"In all states and territories, at every level of government, intelligence services are seeking to cultivate politicians who will advance the interests of the foreign country," 

"An Australia-based foreign national was working with a team of foreign intelligence officers, who were trying to recruit multiple Australian security clearance holders.........The agents wanted sensitive information about the intelligence community's operations, particularly those directed against their home country."

As reported on this blog, Berejiklian has been careless about her association with Communist Party China entities and personalities. ASIO's revelations suggest that she has compromised herself, and that her security clearance, which she has held up in her defence, can no longer be maintained. 

Her Attorney General Mark Speakman who is responsible for security issues must share in the blame for not ensuring that Berejiklian did not compromise herself. In fact, he has compromised himself in the matter of Zhu Minshen..


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Berejiklian's highest level security clearance at odds with her Communist Party China United Front links , her NSW Libs accepting donations from CPC linked Zhu Minshen, her AG Mark Speakman supporting Zhu's "first and only" private Australian law school

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


 Premier Gladys Berejiklian was asked if she is a target for Chinese intelligence. The Premier deflected the question by asserting her highest level security clearance: 

"Oh my goodness,'' she said."I say that that's complete rubbish. As the Premier of state, I pass security clearances that nobody else has to pass and I have access to information which assures me, which gives me assurance that what I need to be aware of and I always adhere to."

However, despite the highest level security briefings Berejikllian  pursued Communist Party China United Front links to help her party and her own re-election: 


Geoff Wade
Australia: NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian gathers with Chinese community leaders, including some prominent United Front figures, at Circular Quay to watch the Opera House turn "China Red" (video)

And then there is the ongoing matter of Zhu Minshen. As readers might recall the granting of that license coincided with Zhu and his Top Group donating $44275 to the the NSW Liberals. 


Saturday, June 27, 2020

In 2008 "ASIO shat themselves" over Zhu Minshen; by 2015 he was granted a license to influence Australia's legal establishment, but ASIO ,state and Commonwealth attorneys general seem unconcerned

by Ganesh Sahathevan
                                                          Zhu Minshen & PM Morrison

In his book  Silent Invasion Professor Clive Hamilton says:
In 2008 Zhu Minshen helped organise a 30,000 strong demonstration by Chinese students at the Canberra (2008 Beijing Olympic) torch relay, many of them brandishing Chinese flags.
This was clearly an open challenge to the authority , and in public defiance of, the AFP's directive to Chinese government security that they were not to be involved in the torch relay.

According to Hamilton the Australian Security And Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) reacted in shock.As Hamilton put it:
"ASIO shat themselves".

Despite this open defiance of the law, in  2015 Zhu obtained, via his Top Education Group Ltd the first licence to issue law degrees granted a private company. That license also granted him entry into Australia's legal establishment, allowing him to exercise powers under Australian laws to determine who from his college may or may not be admitted to practise.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

AG NSW Speakman and senior judicial officers at the LPAB ignored the fact that Zhu Minshen undermined an Australian Federal Police directive

by Ganesh Sahathevan

France 24 reported in 2008:
To minimize the risk of disruption during the torch relay in Canberra, the Australian government has decided not to allow Chinese security in the Olympic torch's path.

In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised  students , including students from his Top Education Institute to protest  against Tibetans at the  2008 rally , which counted towards the Top students’ assessment.  Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”

Hamilton provides details of Zhu's Communist Party China antecedents and his organisation of the 30,000 strong demonstration by Chinese students at the Canberra torch relay, many of them brandishing Chinese flags.
This was clearly an open challenge to the authority , and in public defiance  of, the AFP's directive to Chinese government security that they were not to be involved in the torch relay. As Hamilton puts is "ASIO shat themselves".

Despite this open defiance of the law that they are meant to defend and uphold the Attorney General NSW Mark Speakman and the other senior judicial officers at the LPAB determined that an exception should  be made to allow Zhu to operate the "first and only" law school in Australia that is not part of a university.



Sunday, September 8, 2019

"The fishy smell around Zhu Minshen's Top Education Institute": Clive Hamilton's "Silent Invasion" raises questions for NSW AG Mark Speakman & the LPAB

by Ganesh Sahathevan

Troy Grant MP

NSW Libs received donations of $44,275 from TOP Education Grosup 
 all details in the LPAB Annual Reports

In "Silent Invasion"   Professor Clive Hamilton  describes how  Zhu Minshen and his Top Education Institute(and other Chinese entities) interfere  in Australian politics.The section on Zhu and Top begins :
"Few people noticed, but the  fishy smell around Zhu Minshen's Top Education Institute was noticeable a few years before it began wafting from the front pages of the newspaper (such as the AFR in 2013)".

In 2012  the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board , a statutory body chaired by the Chief Justice NSW and under the purview of the Attorney General NSW ,began the process that led to Zhu and his Top Group being granted the "first and only"  license to issue law degrees granted a private  company that is not a university.

The notoriety that Zhu and Top Group had gained since 2013,and especially in 2016 seems to have been ignored in the process of evaluating Zhu's application, despite the very high standards of probity the LPAB ,the Chief Justice and the AG profess for anyone seeking admission to practice in NSW.

In  comparison Hamilton reports that in 2013 the then Labor Minister for Higher  Education, Kim Carr, rejected Zhu and Top's application for access to a streamlined visa program on the grounds that Top's students were coming to Australia to work, not study.

Additionally Zhu has been granted the privileges of being part of the NSW and Australian legal establishment despite Zhu's part in organizing what Hamilton describes as "menacing and at times violent mass demonstrations by foreign students" in 2008.
This elevation is in clear breach of the LPAB, the Chief Justice and the AG's own standards of behavior expected of anyone seeking admission to the legal profession in NSW and Australia; under those standards even persistent complaints via email are regarded threatening and intimidating. The AG himself has deemed that merely questioning his person about entities under his purview is behavior that is threatening and intimidatory. 

That Speakmnan was not AG when Zhu and Top were first granted their LPAB approvals is irrelevant for the approvals are reviewed at regular intervals; a recent review ( which was kept confidential) seems to have had an impact on Top's share price.

Hamilton has simply compiled what is in the public domain.The AG and his officers on the other hand remain determined to remain silent on even their failure to disclose fully the  LPAB's dealings with  Zhu and Top Group in the LPAB's annual reports which the AG tables in parliament.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Berejiklian's highest level security clearance at odds with her Communist Party China United Front links , her NSW Libs accepting donations from CPC linked Zhu Minshen, her AG Mark Speakman supporting Zhu's "first and only" private Australian law school

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


 Premier Gladys Berejiklian was asked if she is a target for Chinese intelligence. The Premier deflected the question by asserting her highest level security clearance: 

"Oh my goodness,'' she said."I say that that's complete rubbish. As the Premier of state, I pass security clearances that nobody else has to pass and I have access to information which assures me, which gives me assurance that what I need to be aware of and I always adhere to."

However, despite the highest level security briefings Berejikllian  pursued Communist Party China United Front links to help her party and her own re-election: 


Geoff Wade
Australia: NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian gathers with Chinese community leaders, including some prominent United Front figures, at Circular Quay to watch the Opera House turn "China Red" (video)

And then there is the ongoing matter of Zhu Minshen. As readers might recall the granting of that license coincided with Zhu and his Top Group donating $44275 to the the NSW Liberals. 


Saturday, June 27, 2020

In 2008 "ASIO shat themselves" over Zhu Minshen; by 2015 he was granted a license to influence Australia's legal establishment, but ASIO ,state and Commonwealth attorneys general seem unconcerned

by Ganesh Sahathevan
                                                          Zhu Minshen & PM Morrison

In his book  Silent Invasion Professor Clive Hamilton says:
In 2008 Zhu Minshen helped organise a 30,000 strong demonstration by Chinese students at the Canberra (2008 Beijing Olympic) torch relay, many of them brandishing Chinese flags.
This was clearly an open challenge to the authority , and in public defiance of, the AFP's directive to Chinese government security that they were not to be involved in the torch relay.

According to Hamilton the Australian Security And Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) reacted in shock.As Hamilton put it:
"ASIO shat themselves".

Despite this open defiance of the law, in  2015 Zhu obtained, via his Top Education Group Ltd the first licence to issue law degrees granted a private company. That license also granted him entry into Australia's legal establishment, allowing him to exercise powers under Australian laws to determine who from his college may or may not be admitted to practise.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

AG NSW Speakman and senior judicial officers at the LPAB ignored the fact that Zhu Minshen undermined an Australian Federal Police directive

by Ganesh Sahathevan

France 24 reported in 2008:
To minimize the risk of disruption during the torch relay in Canberra, the Australian government has decided not to allow Chinese security in the Olympic torch's path.

In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised  students , including students from his Top Education Institute to protest  against Tibetans at the  2008 rally , which counted towards the Top students’ assessment.  Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”

Hamilton provides details of Zhu's Communist Party China antecedents and his organisation of the 30,000 strong demonstration by Chinese students at the Canberra torch relay, many of them brandishing Chinese flags.
This was clearly an open challenge to the authority , and in public defiance  of, the AFP's directive to Chinese government security that they were not to be involved in the torch relay. As Hamilton puts is "ASIO shat themselves".

Despite this open defiance of the law that they are meant to defend and uphold the Attorney General NSW Mark Speakman and the other senior judicial officers at the LPAB determined that an exception should  be made to allow Zhu to operate the "first and only" law school in Australia that is not part of a university.



Sunday, September 8, 2019

"The fishy smell around Zhu Minshen's Top Education Institute": Clive Hamilton's "Silent Invasion" raises questions for NSW AG Mark Speakman & the LPAB

by Ganesh Sahathevan

Troy Grant MP

NSW Libs received donations of $44,275 from TOP Education Grosup 
 all details in the LPAB Annual Reports

In "Silent Invasion"   Professor Clive Hamilton  describes how  Zhu Minshen and his Top Education Institute(and other Chinese entities) interfere  in Australian politics.The section on Zhu and Top begins :
"Few people noticed, but the  fishy smell around Zhu Minshen's Top Education Institute was noticeable a few years before it began wafting from the front pages of the newspaper (such as the AFR in 2013)".

In 2012  the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board , a statutory body chaired by the Chief Justice NSW and under the purview of the Attorney General NSW ,began the process that led to Zhu and his Top Group being granted the "first and only"  license to issue law degrees granted a private  company that is not a university.

The notoriety that Zhu and Top Group had gained since 2013,and especially in 2016 seems to have been ignored in the process of evaluating Zhu's application, despite the very high standards of probity the LPAB ,the Chief Justice and the AG profess for anyone seeking admission to practice in NSW.

In  comparison Hamilton reports that in 2013 the then Labor Minister for Higher  Education, Kim Carr, rejected Zhu and Top's application for access to a streamlined visa program on the grounds that Top's students were coming to Australia to work, not study.

Additionally Zhu has been granted the privileges of being part of the NSW and Australian legal establishment despite Zhu's part in organizing what Hamilton describes as "menacing and at times violent mass demonstrations by foreign students" in 2008.
This elevation is in clear breach of the LPAB, the Chief Justice and the AG's own standards of behavior expected of anyone seeking admission to the legal profession in NSW and Australia; under those standards even persistent complaints via email are regarded threatening and intimidating. The AG himself has deemed that merely questioning his person about entities under his purview is behavior that is threatening and intimidatory. 

That Speakmnan was not AG when Zhu and Top were first granted their LPAB approvals is irrelevant for the approvals are reviewed at regular intervals; a recent review ( which was kept confidential) seems to have had an impact on Top's share price.

Hamilton has simply compiled what is in the public domain.The AG and his officers on the other hand remain determined to remain silent on even their failure to disclose fully the  LPAB's dealings with  Zhu and Top Group in the LPAB's annual reports which the AG tables in parliament.