Saturday, July 27, 2024

'We're not free in our own seas'- Even China friendly Chinese of Miri, Sarawak complain that China is denying them entry and enjoyment of their own seas, but PM Anwar Ibrahim still insists he has no problem wtih China

 by Ganesh Sahathevan


Malaysia has a long standing problem with Chinese intrusion into its waters

The Chinese of Miri, Sarawak are probably among the most China friendly and China leaning people that one can find in Malaysia. That is evident in the streets where a Chinese in China is viewed with less suspicion than a non-Chinese Malaysian (possibly because they are viewed as interlopers from the peninsula).

Now however even the Chinese of Miri are beginning to complain about China Coast Guard harassment in  Malaysian waters. Malaysiakini reports:

“We are not free even though it is our territory,” laments the Miri Fishing Club secretary Vincent Lo, regarding the presence of China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels in the South China Sea.

This is especially the case around Luconia Shoals (known locally as Beting Patinggi Ali), which Malaysia deems to be part of its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the coast of Sarawak but is regularly patrolled by the CCG.

Lo said this situation makes it difficult for them to go fishing...


The reference to Luconia Shoals is telling. As this writer has noted, Malaysia has an ongoing problem with China's illegal interference with activities on and around the Shoals, even if Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim insists that he has no problem with China.


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