Sunday, January 21, 2024

Rothputra Nominees was responsible for the nationalisation of British owned assets in Malaysia and was a joint venture between Bank Bumi and NM Rothschild, but no call for the boycott of companies in which Rothputra holds shares, or even for a change of name

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

    The fall of British business in Malaysia,and how it was accomplished by the Jews at Rothschild


First, a reminder of a pivotal  point in  Malaysian coporrate history, and a very important part of the history of the New Economic Policy

The Straits Times, 3 November 1972, Page 25

Tun Abdul Razak launched the bank  and it led the charge to acquire British companies that owned Malaysian assets. 

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NM Rothschild has since sold its stake in Bumi Merchant Bankers, but the name Rothpura Nominees remains very much part of coprorate Malysia, despite the recent round of ongoing calls to abhor anything that has anything to do with Jews or Israel.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Israel linked Wall Street listed company boycott shows evidence of very profitable put option strategy as witnessed before 9/11 -Billions likely to have been made, Arab countries, Malaysia had capacity to call for world-wide boycotts, and finance the trades

 by Ganesh Sahathevan

Wall Street stocks suffer from Arab boycott campaign, the Daily News Egypt reported on 26 October 2023. The story (see below) documents the fall in shares prices of a number of Wall Street listed companies (NASDAQ and NYSE) including McDonald's, Walth Disney , PepsiCo and KFC (actually YUM!) which it attributes to the boycott in Arab countries in solidarity with HAMAS (or Palestine for the circumspect). Not included in the report are two other favourites, Starbucks and Coca Cola.

However, as the charts above  illustrate, the share price of many of the boycotted companies began falling since early this year.  The fall seems to have accelerated, in most cases, PRIOR to October 7 2023, the day that HAMAS attacked Israel. Then in all cases, the share price has recovered steeply.

 All this suggests that a put option strategy was in play, executed  prior to the October 7 attack , quite similar to the put option play on airlines stocks prior to 9/11. These are matters that require further investigation, but it can be said the Arab countries, and Malaysia, which hasbeen defiant in its support of HAMAS,  have led the boycotts, and have the financial capacity to finance such trades


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