Monday, June 12, 2023

Uranium from Oil, Oil from Uranium - Examples from the Frome Basin, South Austalia and Jaffna Peninsula , Sri Lanka


Frome Basin South Australia 

A processed satellite image of the Cauvery Basin. That
part of the Jaffna Peninsula that is surrounded by oil exploration block C3 is at  the right bottom corner of the image. The parts that are brighter (ie to the left of the peninsula) suggest the presence of uranium, possibly caused by hydrocarbon microseepages from the underlying basin. The coincidence of uranium and hydrocarbon is a known and well documented phenomenon, even if often ignored.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Is China targeting uranium in the Tindouf Basin, Algeria

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Mohand Bersi, Hakim Saibi, Moulley Charaf Chabou, Aerogravity and remote sensing observations of an iron deposit in Gara Djebilet, southwestern Algeria,Journal of African Earth Sciences,Volume 116,2016, Pages 134-150

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