by Ganesh Sahathevan

College Of Law CEO Neville Carter & (former) SLS President Gregory Vijayndran SC
marking the SLS -College Of Law collaboration
As mentioned previously , College Of Law Australia has incorporated a regional HQ in Singapore named COL SIN PTY LTD. Companies that gain regional HQ status are granted tax incentives by the Government Of Singapore.
The College Of Law's regional ambitions are not however reflected in its business activities in Asia and SouthEast Asia. Its Malaysian business has literally disappeared, its "College Of Law Asia" seems to be non-existent, and its ASEAN + 6 LLM does not seem to have gone anywhere, despite the exaggerated claims the College Of Law made in promoting that course.
It remains a mystery whether
COL SIN PTY LTD's directors disclosed any of the above to Singapore Government authorities when seeking their regional HQ status.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Australia's College Of Law takes advantage of Singapore's regional HQ incentives: A first for an Australian not for profit ;meanwhile details about the incorporation of its College Of Law Asia remains elusive
by Ganesh Sahathevan
The chart below(click to enlarge) was sighted on the College Of Law webpage at this link.
The webpage was found when looking for an interesting new entity,
The chart below(click to enlarge) was sighted on the College Of Law webpage at this link.
The webpage was found when looking for an interesting new entity,
A company search reveals that Col Sin Pty Ltd has listed its activities as "head and regional head offices, centralised and administrative offices.....".
It's directors are Neville Carter, CEO of the College Of Law, Joseph Catanzariti, its chairman, and Angie Louise Zandistra, who seems to have taken over the duties of Peter Tritt, Director College Of Law Asia (otherwise known as the College Of Law Asia Pacific).
Col Sin has a paid-up capital of One Singapore Dollar. The Singapore Government offers companies that locate their headquarters and regional headquarters in Singapore concessional tax rates. Why the College Of Law,which is a not for profit registered with Australian Charities And Not For Profit Commission (ACNC).
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
In search of the College Of Law Asia : College Of Law's Asian expansion still raising questions which Australia's legal establishment refuses to answer
by Ganesh Sahathevan
Australia's College Of Law, which is part of the NSW legal establishment conducts a number of postgraduate "applied law" courses. Among them is a Mergers & Acquisitions offering. Prospective students are enticed by statements such as this, contained in a course brochure (click to enlarge):
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Australia's College Of Law, which is part of the NSW legal establishment conducts a number of postgraduate "applied law" courses. Among them is a Mergers & Acquisitions offering. Prospective students are enticed by statements such as this, contained in a course brochure (click to enlarge):
The College Of Law Asia seems an elusive creature. It first popped up in Malaysia, but then disappeared. Neither the College not the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board which regulates the College's activities have had anything to say about these issues (and others) reported in Malaysia:
Key person suddenly retired during extensive query
The College of Law used to be represented in Malaysia by its Director, Peter Tritt. Tritt have been queried extensively about the LLM and about the College’s business in Malaysia but has refused to provide answers. Tritt has been based in Kuala Lumpur since 2017 but announced on Friday that he had “retired” from the College on 30 June 2019.
It is understood that Tritt has forwarded queries sent him to his head office in Sydney and hence it appears that Tritt is under orders from his Chief Executive, Neville Carter, to remain silent.
Questionable advertising claims?
In advertising on the College’s website Carter has claimed that he had established a Professional Legal Training course for Malaysian Law students seeking admission to practise in Malaysia. There seems to be no evidence of such a course, or of any national level training course for the existing Certificate of Legal Practise.
Carter has also claimed to have produced the “inaugural” Handbook in Legal Practise for Malaysia, in the late 80s. A search of the main law libraries in Malaysia directed by the Chief Registrar, Federal Court Malaysia, has not found any such handbook.
He has also claimed to have, during that time to have identified and addressed “gaps” in Malaysian legal practise, but not even those in practice during that period and since have ever heard of him. Nor are senior practitioners aware of “gaps” that needed that to be addressed by external consultants.
As CEO of the College Carter has ultimate responsibility for the College’s Malaysian operation headed by Tritt and variously named the “College Of Law Asia Pacific” and the “College Of Law Asia”. A search by NMT has not revealed any entities registered under those names in Malaysia or in Australia, not even a foreign entities registered to conduct business in Malaysia.
Meanwhile the College, in collaboration with the Bar Council continues to sell its LLM and other courses in Malaysia, deriving a fee income from Malaysian courses.
TO BE READ WITHSunday, June 21, 2020
Singapore Law Society maintains silence on MOU with Australia's College Of Law,and has removed a website about which it was queried.: SLS seems to be following the lead of Bar Council Malaysia in re College Of Law
by Ganesh Sahathevan
College Of Law CEO Neville Carter & SLS President Gregory
Vijayndran SC
As previously reported, the Singapore Law Society's confidence in its practical legal training partner, the College Of Law Australia, is not shared by participants in the Australia's market for legal education.
The SLS's Dephine Tan has since been further questioned about an upcoming "master-class" that is to be offered by the College of Law and SLS, and presented by Raphael Tay of Malaysia, who is described as Program Director, LLM ASEAN+6 at The College of Law Asia
Readers will note that they are reading a cached copy of the SLS website on which the "master-class" was advertised. The actual website
seems to have been removed since questions were put last Thursday to Ms Tan and the SLS.
It does look as the SLS is following in the footsteps of the Bar Council Malaysia, in not wanting to answer questions, and in removing websites related to work with the College Of Law.
The experience of the Bar Council Malaysia were also put to the SLS,and have also been met with stony silence.
College Of Law CEO Neville Carter & SLS President Gregory
Vijayndran SC
As previously reported, the Singapore Law Society's confidence in its practical legal training partner, the College Of Law Australia, is not shared by participants in the Australia's market for legal education.
The SLS's Dephine Tan has since been further questioned about an upcoming "master-class" that is to be offered by the College of Law and SLS, and presented by Raphael Tay of Malaysia, who is described as Program Director, LLM ASEAN+6 at The College of Law Asia
Readers will note that they are reading a cached copy of the SLS website on which the "master-class" was advertised. The actual website
seems to have been removed since questions were put last Thursday to Ms Tan and the SLS.
It does look as the SLS is following in the footsteps of the Bar Council Malaysia, in not wanting to answer questions, and in removing websites related to work with the College Of Law.
The experience of the Bar Council Malaysia were also put to the SLS,and have also been met with stony silence.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Australia's College Of Law takes advantage of Singapore's regional HQ incentives: A first for an Australian not for profit ;meanwhile details about the incorporation of its College Of Law Asia remains elusive
by Ganesh Sahathevan
The chart below(click to enlarge) was sighted on the College Of Law webpage at this link.
The webpage was found when looking for an interesting new entity,
The chart below(click to enlarge) was sighted on the College Of Law webpage at this link.
The webpage was found when looking for an interesting new entity,
A company search reveals that Col Sin Pty Ltd has listed its activities as "head and regional head offices, centralised and administrative offices.....".
It's directors are Neville Carter, CEO of the College Of Law, Joseph Catanzariti, its chairman, and Angie Louise Zandistra, who seems to have taken over the duties of Peter Tritt, Director College Of Law Asia (otherwise known as the College Of Law Asia Pacific).
Col Sin has a paid-up capital of One Singapore Dollar. The Singapore Government offers companies that locate their headquarters and regional headquarters in Singapore concessional tax rates. Why the College Of Law,which is a not for profit registered with Australian Charities And Not For Profit Commission (ACNC).
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
In search of the College Of Law Asia : College Of Law's Asian expansion still raising questions which Australia's legal establishment refuses to answer
by Ganesh Sahathevan
Australia's College Of Law, which is part of the NSW legal establishment conducts a number of postgraduate "applied law" courses. Among them is a Mergers & Acquisitions offering. Prospective students are enticed by statements such as this, contained in a course brochure (click to enlarge):
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Australia's College Of Law, which is part of the NSW legal establishment conducts a number of postgraduate "applied law" courses. Among them is a Mergers & Acquisitions offering. Prospective students are enticed by statements such as this, contained in a course brochure (click to enlarge):
The College Of Law Asia seems an elusive creature. It first popped up in Malaysia, but then disappeared. Neither the College not the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board which regulates the College's activities have had anything to say about these issues (and others) reported in Malaysia:
Key person suddenly retired during extensive query
The College of Law used to be represented in Malaysia by its Director, Peter Tritt. Tritt have been queried extensively about the LLM and about the College’s business in Malaysia but has refused to provide answers. Tritt has been based in Kuala Lumpur since 2017 but announced on Friday that he had “retired” from the College on 30 June 2019.
It is understood that Tritt has forwarded queries sent him to his head office in Sydney and hence it appears that Tritt is under orders from his Chief Executive, Neville Carter, to remain silent.
Questionable advertising claims?
In advertising on the College’s website Carter has claimed that he had established a Professional Legal Training course for Malaysian Law students seeking admission to practise in Malaysia. There seems to be no evidence of such a course, or of any national level training course for the existing Certificate of Legal Practise.
Carter has also claimed to have produced the “inaugural” Handbook in Legal Practise for Malaysia, in the late 80s. A search of the main law libraries in Malaysia directed by the Chief Registrar, Federal Court Malaysia, has not found any such handbook.
He has also claimed to have, during that time to have identified and addressed “gaps” in Malaysian legal practise, but not even those in practice during that period and since have ever heard of him. Nor are senior practitioners aware of “gaps” that needed that to be addressed by external consultants.
As CEO of the College Carter has ultimate responsibility for the College’s Malaysian operation headed by Tritt and variously named the “College Of Law Asia Pacific” and the “College Of Law Asia”. A search by NMT has not revealed any entities registered under those names in Malaysia or in Australia, not even a foreign entities registered to conduct business in Malaysia.
Meanwhile the College, in collaboration with the Bar Council continues to sell its LLM and other courses in Malaysia, deriving a fee income from Malaysian courses.
TO BE READ WITHSunday, June 21, 2020
Singapore Law Society maintains silence on MOU with Australia's College Of Law,and has removed a website about which it was queried.: SLS seems to be following the lead of Bar Council Malaysia in re College Of Law
by Ganesh Sahathevan
College Of Law CEO Neville Carter & SLS President Gregory
Vijayndran SC
As previously reported, the Singapore Law Society's confidence in its practical legal training partner, the College Of Law Australia, is not shared by participants in the Australia's market for legal education.
The SLS's Dephine Tan has since been further questioned about an upcoming "master-class" that is to be offered by the College of Law and SLS, and presented by Raphael Tay of Malaysia, who is described as Program Director, LLM ASEAN+6 at The College of Law Asia
Readers will note that they are reading a cached copy of the SLS website on which the "master-class" was advertised. The actual website
seems to have been removed since questions were put last Thursday to Ms Tan and the SLS.
It does look as the SLS is following in the footsteps of the Bar Council Malaysia, in not wanting to answer questions, and in removing websites related to work with the College Of Law.
The experience of the Bar Council Malaysia were also put to the SLS,and have also been met with stony silence.
College Of Law CEO Neville Carter & SLS President Gregory
Vijayndran SC
As previously reported, the Singapore Law Society's confidence in its practical legal training partner, the College Of Law Australia, is not shared by participants in the Australia's market for legal education.
The SLS's Dephine Tan has since been further questioned about an upcoming "master-class" that is to be offered by the College of Law and SLS, and presented by Raphael Tay of Malaysia, who is described as Program Director, LLM ASEAN+6 at The College of Law Asia
Readers will note that they are reading a cached copy of the SLS website on which the "master-class" was advertised. The actual website
seems to have been removed since questions were put last Thursday to Ms Tan and the SLS.
It does look as the SLS is following in the footsteps of the Bar Council Malaysia, in not wanting to answer questions, and in removing websites related to work with the College Of Law.
The experience of the Bar Council Malaysia were also put to the SLS,and have also been met with stony silence.
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