Saturday, April 29, 2023

As Head Of State Pope Francis has the legal authority to clarify The Vatican's disbursements in Australia, as head of the Catholic Church he has a moral duty to do so

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                       Pope Francis 

The Vatican has yet to provide any explanation for the remittance of funds from the disgraced Cardinal Becciu to  the former Apostolic Nuncio to Australia the Filipino Bishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, while he was in Canberra. There is suspicion that the  disbursements of those funds was connected to the prosecution of George Pell (see article below).

The transactions appear to have been cloaked in diplomatic immunity, which given the circumstances may not apply. However as Head Of State Pope Francis has the legal authority to provide Australian authorities with all the information he has on the matter. He has been reported to have interrogated Bishop Adolfo Tito Yllana about the matter, so it is likely that he knows much.  Importantly,  as head of the Catholic Church he has a moral duty to do so, and to do so publicly. 


Monday, April 10, 2023

Former Apostolic Nuncio to Australia , the Filipino Bishop Adolfo Tito Yllana likely to have the answers as to why EUR 700K was sent to him while in Australia,by disgraced Cardinal Becciu , quite likely via diplomatic pouch, "for restoration of a gate"

 by Ganesh Sahathevan


                         Pope Francis recalled and met with Nuncio Yllana on or around 9 October 2020    

Gaudiam Press reported on October 7 2020: 

According to some Italian newspapers, (700,00 EUR)  was sent to Australia by Cardinal Angelo Becciu, as part of a plot against Cardinal Pell to get him sentenced on sexual abuse charges. Ultimately, the charges proved to be false. The money was allegedly sent to the nunciature in Canberra.

...... the Pope met with the Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, the Philippine Bishop Adolfo Tito Yllana. According to Vatican sources the Pope inquired about alleged 700,000 euros reports. The Holy See did not confirm what was discussed at that meeting.

The renowned journalist Edward Pentin affirmed today, in the National Catholic Register, that Archbishop Yllana and Cardinal Becciu are long-time friends. They joined the diplomatic service of the Holy See with a few months of difference, back in 1984.

, “an anonymous Vatican source with detailed knowledge of the matter” assured Pentin that ” the funds transferred were off the books [of accounting] and therefore there was no obligation to report them. They were apparently sent to the apostolic nunciature for “works to be done,” which involved the “restoration of a gate”. And because of this, the nunciature should have the reports on the use of that money.

There cannot be "no obligation to report" any  transfer of funds within any organisation, but it is probable that the transfers were sent under cover of  diplomatic pouch in order to avoid reporting requirements in Australia, and quite likely the Vatican and Italy. 

Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana  is likely to be only person with knowledge of the disbursement of the funds. He should  come forward and provide the details to all relevant authorities. 


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