Saturday, May 21, 2022

Malaysia and Indonesia can profit from incoming Australian Government's likely decision to shut down oil, gas and coal exploration and production-Australian capital, skills, and equipment can be redeployed to Malaysia, Indonesia for greenfield and EOR projects at relatively low costs

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                 CO2 EOR Potentials in Indonesia: Towards the Second Life of National Oil Production

The incoming Labor-Green government in Australia is committed to end oil, gas and coal exploration in Australia with immediate effect.  Existing production is likely to be impeded, despite promises made by the incoming Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Australian oil, gas and coal companies are faced with the prospect of terminating operations, or moving offshore. Many Australians in these industries have had experience in South East Asia, so relocating their operations to South East Asia, and in particular Malaysia and Indonesia where there are exploitable assets is a viable option. 

Malaysia and Indonesia are in a position, with appropriate policy settings, to utilise Australian assets,  including capital that must now be redeployed, to accelerate in particular exploration EOR projects.  



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