Monday, May 16, 2022

21 June 1953 edition of the Straits Times makes it very hard for Zahid Hamid to prove that Maahthir's NRIC does not carry his actual name

by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Former PM Mahathir has tweeted a  challenge to  Zahid Hamid,  requesting that he  prove his assertion that  Mahathir's NRIC is false, and does not represent Mahathir's real name.

Zahid may have a problem here, as one can see from this report in the   21 June 1953 edition of the Straits Times.


This is evidence from University of Malaya , Singapore, of Mahathir's real name  published in the  Straits Times on 21 June  1953 .

Article archived at National Library Singapore at link

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