Monday, September 6, 2021

PM Morrison crossed borders while his COVID antibodies were likely below 50%: Morrison is a public health risk he ,and all those he came into contact with must be quarantined, tested, and re-vaccinated

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

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                                                          Mr Morrison posted this family portrait online on Father's Day, but specified it was from an earlier occasion

As reported by the ABC:

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been criticised for flying to visit his children on Father's Day while families remain separated due to lockdown orders around the country.
Mr Morrison said he was given an exemption to travel from Canberra to Sydney on a private jet on the weekend.
Health authorities said they approved his trip given his unique role as an "essential worker".

There has been anger from many who have been separated from their families, and for whom exemption has been denied regardless of  reasons. 

However there is the larger issue of Morrison himself being a COVID carrier. His COVID antibodies are likely below 50%, given that he had his first dose in February (and his second quite likely 3-4 months later). By his own definition   Morrison is a public health risk so public health concerns would require that  he ,and all those he came into contact with  be quarantined, tested, and re-vaccinated .


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

This man was COVID vaccinated in February 2021, but he could still be a public health risk for he refuses to even acknowledge that his level of COVID antibodies might have diminished to dangerous levels -He remains active in the community, and could well be infecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons with the COVID virus

by Ganesh Sahathevan

The BBC and others reported that Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison received COVID vaccination  in late  February.

It  has been six months since and we do not know if Morrison's body continues to carry COVID antibodies. There are reports from around the world that vaccine efficacy has been dwindling rapidly over a relatively short period of time. 
Morrison therefore remains a public health risk. Despite that fact he has been active in the community.

Given the danger to the public, it is in the public interest that Morrison disclose the level of COVID antibodies remaining in his system. The same applies to anyone else who has been vaccinated, given the latest information from the US CDC which states that the vaccinated can infect both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.  

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