Monday, September 6, 2021

80% plus double vaxed Singapore' re-imposes restrictions after opening up for the vaccinated only-Spike in cases could force Singapore, like Israel, to declare vaccine certificates invalid after five months, and require the vaccinated to be revaccinated every five months to maintain "freedoms"

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The Government Of Singapore has reimposed COVID restrictions for everyone after a surge in new cases, despite the country boasting a more than 80% double vaxed rate.

The country had relaxed restrictions just about a month ago, but for the fully vaccinated only. In typical Singapore fashion, the rules against the unvaccinated were strictly enforced (see story below).

Given the circumstances Singapore, like Israel, will have to seriously consider limited life COVID certificates, to address the issue of depleting antibodies. Singaporeans may have to face the prospect of being re-jabbed every five months , or be denied vaccine certificates. 

Starting on October 1, only those who have received the second dose within the last five months, who have received a third booster shot, who have recovered within the last six months or who have recovered and received one shot will be eligible for the Green Pass, which grants access to several activities and venues..............


Singapore sees rise in unlinked COVID cases as a result of relaxed dining restrictions , despite limiting dining-in to the fully vaccinated only, and despite very strict enforcement to ensure that restaurants do not serve the unvaccinated; 80% of the population is double jabbed

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Singapore is experiencing an increase in the number of  unlinked COVID  cases as a result of the recently relaxed restrictions on dining in, and despite dining-in being limited to fully vaccinated persons only.  80% of the population is fully vaccinated. 

To ensure compliance rules are strictly enforced, and restaurant owners who have admitted unvaccinated persons have had their premises shut.

The issue above was brought to attention by Madam Ho Ching.



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