Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Vaccine passports for dining out-Singaporeans are deciding that the cost and inconvenience is not worth the trouble, Australians more likely to do the same; businesses will suffer

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Singapore's Channel News Asia (CNA), which is effectively government owned, reported a few days ago the new rules that will apply to eateries in Singapore, to comply with Singapore's rules for the vaccinated and unvaccinated. In short, the unvaccinated will be excluded from dining in and public events.

The story was published on the CNA Facebook page, which allows comments. Despite the Singaporeans legendary love of food, and their equally legendary capacity to comply with any rule, the comments revealed a general dissatisfaction with the rules, even if the carrot that was being dangled was food.

The general dissatisfaction seems to be with the inconvenience, and the costs. Subsequently many commentators seem to suggest that they would rather order takeaway, in person (or presumably online) and forego the eating out experience. 

Australians are less inclined to eat out, so the requirement that vaccine passports be presented to dine in, or drink in a pub, is likely to see pubs and restaurants suffer  reduced patronage,  reduced revenue and probably losses.


See CNA Facebook link here




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  • Pamela Si Ying
    Don't understand seriously!! Unvaccinated can't dine in restaurants but 50% employees can return back to workplace..
    Who knows if that 50% are vaccinated or Unvaccinated and also by taking public transport, there's no safe distancing.
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    • 4h
  • Sandy Nate
    a great idea! wish my country like that rather than forcing people out to get vaccinated
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  • Dane Hou
    Why can't unvaccinated people dine-in in restaurants now? Last time when the situation was much more worse, we were still allowed to dine-in.
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    • 15h
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    Cheryl Khoo
    I tot food court consider like coffee shop n hawker centre? 2 regardless vaccinate or not? I'm so confused on this.
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  • Vincent Lee
    If a simple rule of wearing a mask properly cannot be enforced effectively, I wonder how effective can the enforcement of complex dining rules?
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  • Kel To
    Dabao eat at home or office better. Why must dine out really don't understand

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