Saturday, August 7, 2021

Several people in Singapore who were fully vaccinated have fallen seriously ill- Despite having 66.7% of the population vaccinated , Singapore says the unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated-Singapore first in the world to admit that COVID vaccines will not provide what has been promised

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

   Singapore has previously been proud of its vaccination numbers, but there seems now to be some doubt as to whether herd immunity can be ever achieved

From Singapore's Strait Times, a candid, sobering statement: 

People who have not been vaccinated will be getting the short end of the stick as Singapore eases up on Covid-19 measures.

Those who have been fully vaccinated, and that is two-thirds of the population currently, will be able to gather in groups of up to five people for activities such as dining in and masks-off sports from next Tuesday (Aug 10).

...possible consequence of allowing those not vaccinated to mingle freely is that they could spread the disease to at-risk people in the population, who may be vaccinated.

The vaccine does not give 100 per cent protection.

Several people in Singapore who were fully vaccinated have fallen seriously ill. They all have medical conditions that likely made them more susceptible to catching the virus and developing serious symptoms.

These individuals, as well as people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, remain at high risk. They need to be protected, since it is through no fault of theirs that they are put at risk.

ST then goes on to suggest that the non-vaccinated be denied health insurance, and pay for their medical care. 

The report reveals a change in the Singapore COVID vaccine narrative; it seems to have moved on from vaccinate to immunise, to vaccinate to ward of the most serious consequences  of COVID to vaccinate to protect the vaccinated who are still vulnerable. 

This changing narrative is in the context of a population that is already highly vaccinated; as the writer states: two thirds or 66.7% of the population are already vaccinated (elsewhere the Strait Times has reported that 67 per cent of the total Singapore population have been fully vaccinated as at 5 August 2021.In numbers that constitutes around 3.8 million people)

The changing narrative is not a uniquely Singaporean phenomenon. The same is being witnessed in Australia where the Prime Minister has over the past few weeks started talking about vaccine passports that are designed to protect the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.

The Singapore Government, and others, seem to have come the realisation that the vaccination program will not provide herd immunity. The unvaccinated should be told why.



Australia's Department Of Health confirms that it does not know if COVID vaccines can end lockdowns even when everyone is vaccinated- DOH says determining vaccine efficacy is a work -in-progress which requires Australia's borders be closed indefinitely -Australians will remain locked-in, and those overseas locked out indefinitely

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