Thursday, July 15, 2021

Australia's Department Of Health confirms that it does not know if COVID vaccines can end lockdowns even when everyone is vaccinated- DOH says determining vaccine efficacy is a work -in-progress which requires Australia's borders be closed indefinitely -Australians will remain locked-in, and those overseas locked out indefinitely

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


The last line , as anyone familiar with lab testing practises will know, is the ordinary requirement that nothing can be properly tested unless everything, in this case the Australian population, remains constant. This of course means that the borders must be shut, even to Australian citizens and residents outside the country. 

The Department Of Health has not said when it will be satisfied that it has evidence to support a view that herd immunity has been achieved. Australians everywhere can therefore expect the borders to be shut indefinitely.

Meanwhile the burden of caring for Australians stranded overseas will continue to be borne by the countries in which they are stranded. 

It is clear that Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his fellow state and territory leaders are making decisions and declarations based on their immediate political needs., with little care for how anyone including Australia's foreign allies, would bear the costs. 



International airline association says Australian Govt has not provided any evidence to show "that cutting the caps substantially reduces the risk of COVID"

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