Monday, August 30, 2021

NSW Resources Regulator has revoked a gold exploration license because it did not like the holder-how long before the Regulator uses its "fit and proper person" power to revoke mining, exploration licenses held by anyone who questions climate change ?

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The press release below from the Resources Regulator includes this statement:

 “This type of behaviour is completely unacceptable and strikes at the very heart of a person’s fitness to conduct mining activities in NSW and the Resources Regulator will not tolerate this type of behaviour.”

The behaviour concerns "abusive and threatening public posts" ,from which the Regulator has determined that the license holder  "was not of good repute".

The highly subjective nature of the finding leaves it open for the Regulator to find any mining or exploration license who even questions "climate change" to be "not of good repute".


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