Sunday, August 29, 2021

Is tough talking Dan Andrews laying the groundwork for accepting weakly immunised Sinnovaxed students and tourists from China?

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                                      Even Dan Andrews will need a Sinovac shot to visit China 

From Dan Andrews: 

“Anyone who thinks they will be travelling around the world without having been vaccinated, your vaccination status is going to be a thing, you are not getting a visa unless you have been double dosed,” he said.

“Whether people like that or it's a terrible attack on the civil liberties, people die when they get this so there are limits.

"Choices are made that are not your choices in many ways, I mean that in the absolute literal sense. They’re choices that affect you yes, they’re made by you, but they affect so many others.”

This may well be true, but it is a fact that the hospitality industry in Victoria, like that of most of Australia, depends on tourism. Chinese tourists are highly sought after, but China has a policy of providing only its own home made Sinonaxx, and others like it.

Sinnovax has been shown to be so ineffective that even China friendly Singapore will not count among its vaccinated those who have been Sinnovaxed. 

Dan may want Chinese tourists, and students, back in Victoria, but they should only be admitted if they have received Pfizer, AstraZenaca, Modena or Novavax. 


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