Sunday, August 22, 2021

Lockdown & curfew can lead to less cases, but more deaths: Gladys Berejiklian's latest orders are based on a political calculation, not medicine

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

2GB quoting NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard reported on 5 July 2021:

Parks and beaches ‘the safest place to be’, NSW Health Minister stresses

Meanwhile NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant has reiterated that lockdowns are not solving the contagion because the main source of cases are, and remain, households: 

Dr Chant said the areas in Sydney worst hit by the outbreak had a “younger age profile”, which contributed to so many young people being affected.

Those areas also had larger household sizes than the rest of the city and more often had multiple generation of the same family living under one roof, she told a parliamentary hearing on Monday.

“Clearly the picture with Delta is that once it’s introduced to a household, it’s inevitable that everyone gets the Delta strain,” Dr Chant said.

multiple generation  will also include grand parents, the group most likely to die to COVID. Berejiklian seems uninterested in that fact. Vaccines may work in the long term, but as Brad Hazzard stresses, the safest place is outdoors.

However, the death of a a few grandparents is not likely to cost too much in votes, but given the emphasis on cases, and increase in cases can.

Berejiklian has made a political calculation in extending her lockdowns and introducing curfews which she has said before, do not work. 


Even the ABC says source of current Delta COVID outbreak in NSW is unknown but Gladys Berejiklian & co insists a limo driver is the cause

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