Monday, August 23, 2021

90% vax rates can be achieved if Berejiklan & Hazzard provide complete answers to lawyer Tony Nikolic's written query about vaccine content, side-effects

 by Ganesh Sahathevan             

While Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Health Minister Brad Hazzard continue to call on the people of NSW to be vaccinated so that they would not be a public health risk, they both refuse to provide answers to questions put by lawyer Tony Nikolic with regards the content and effect of the vaccinations offered in Australia.

Complete answers will help the public provide informed consent when seeking the vaccines. If the vaccines are as effective and harmless as Hazzard and Berejiklian say they are, vaccination rates in excess of 90% can be easily  achieved. 


unday, August 8, 2021

Berejiklian wants employers to "put pressure" on employees to get vaccinated but Berejiklian and her Health Minister Brad Hazzard refuse to provide simple answers about government approved vaccines : Letter to Berejiklian & Hazzard from lawyer Tony Nikolic remains unanswered, workers will not be able to provide informed consent

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian has demanded employers  "put pressure" on their employees to get vaccinated:

"Please put pressure on your staff to get vaccinated...we need you to help us.

"If people are keen to get back to work, get vaccinated."

Meanwhile Berejiklian and  her Health Minister Brad Hazzard refuse to answer questions about the vaccines,   raised by Sydney lawyer Tony Nikolic:


Mr Nikolic's letter ican be sighted at on the Cvid Medical Network website.

The  letter goes tot he the heart of the issue of informed consent, which he notes Berejiklian and Hazzard have  "eliminated. Mr Nikloic sent Berejiklian and Hazzard the letter above on 7 July 2021, almost a month before Berejiklian's demand that employers pressure workers to be vaccinated.  Answers to his letter are therefore now even more urgently required.




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