Friday, August 27, 2021

Berejiklian minister Victor Dominello, quoting Forbes, defends COVID vaccine makers against claims that vaccines cause Bell's palsy ; Lancet quoting EudraVigilance says it is an "unfolding story"

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The following has been tweeted by Minister in the NSW Berejiklian government, Victor Dominello, in response to concerns that his recent incident of Bell's Palsy was linked to his self-publicised AztraZeneca vaccine shot: 

Meanwhile according to the authors of recent article in The Lancet:

.....the greater than three-fold increase in Bell's palsy incidence observed in EudraVigilance when comparing mRNA vaccines to other vaccines adds to the evidence that mRNA vaccines impose higher risk of Bell's palsy than other vaccines based on different platforms, alongside ongoing work to identify likely mechanisms.

The risk of developing facial paralysis could be two to three times higher in individuals receiving mRNA vaccines than in those receiving traditional vaccines. These findings should be considered when selecting a vaccine for patients with a history of Bell's palsy.

(EudraVigilance is the system for managing and analysing information on suspected adverse reactions to medicines which have been authorised or being studied in clinical trials in the European Economic Area (EEA).)


Bell's palsy and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines—an unfolding story

Nicola Cirillo
Richard Doan
Published:June 07, 2021DOI:

Bell's palsy and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines

Al Ozonoff
Etsuro Nanishi
Ofer Levy

Published:February 24, 2021DOI:

Bell's palsy and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines—an unfolding story – Authors' reply

Al Ozonoff

Etsuro Nanishi
Ofer Levy
Published:June 07, 2021DOI:

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