Thursday, August 26, 2021

16 year old Singapore boy had one dose Pfizer, has been compensated for "permanent severe disability": Boy's lifestyle not different from that of thousands of Australian teens

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Australia has commenced COVID vaccination programs for teenagers.  Parents have been told that it is in the best interest of their children's health

Meanwhile, a case from Singapore that Australian parents may want to consider: 

Straits Times Singapore reported:

Two patients suffering from serious side effects related to the Covid-19 vaccine have each received the highest payout of $225,000 in government financial aid so far, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

One of them is a 16-year-old boy who suffered a cardiac arrest after his first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. The boy is currently undergoing inpatient rehabilitation.

"The Tier 1 payout of $225,000 (see table above)  has been extended to a total of two applicants so far, including this case," an MOH spokesman told The Straits Times late at night on Monday (Aug 16).

The 16-year-old had collapsed at home following a gym weightlifting session on July 3, six days after receiving his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty vaccine. He had developed acute severe myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, which led to the cardiac arrest.

On Monday (Aug 16), MOH added that the myocarditis was likely a serious adverse event caused by the vaccine, which may have been aggravated by the youth's strenuous lifting of weights and high consumption of caffeine through energy drinks and supplements.

Australian parents will recognise in the details of the boy's lifestyle physical activities quite common among Australian teenagers, especially boys. 


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