Monday, November 18, 2013

The Aus-Indo Spying Issue: Indonesia proposed a compromise that would allow status quo ante

On 15 November 2013 the Bahasa Indonesia detikNews reported a press conference in Melbourne called by Indonesian Vice President Boediono. The press conference was called after a visit to Canberra where he had met with Tony Abbott. Boediono said that the issue of Australian spying on Indonesia  had been raised, and that he, Boediono ,  had proposed  a compromise. 

The fact that Boediono proposed the compromise suggests that
Indonesia has more to lose from any disruption to existing spying and intelligence arrangements.This is evident from a translation of this excerpt from the detikNews report:

Secara resmi, Indonesia meminta agar ada perbaikan dalam proses pengumpulan informasi sehingga tidak merugikan kedua negara dan merusak hubungan yang sudah terjalin baik selama ini. Abbott merespons baik terhadap permintaan tersebut.

"Ide untuk ke depan ada suatu sistem di mana informasi yang dikumpulkan tidak dipakai untuk hal-hal merugikan kedua belah pihak. Nampaknya beliau tidak menolak. Artinya beliau sendiri pandangannya ke arah situ," jelasnya

Translated :
Officially , Indonesia has asked that intelligence obtained not be used in
a manner that might be detrimental to either country . Abbott responded positively to that suggestion.

" The idea going forward is for a system where information collected will not be used in any way that will harm either country. Abbott did not object. I take that to mean that his thinking is along the same lines" , he (Boediono) explained.

The Australia News Network reported similar but omitted reference to the fact that Indonesia had suggested a compromise:

Indonesian vice president Boediono plays down asylum seeker and spying disputes with Australia

Updated Sun 17 Nov 2013, 10:40pm AEDT

Vice president raises espionage concerns

Dr Boediono said he raised concerns with Mr Abbott about allegations the Australian embassy in Jakarta had been used for espionage.
"It is a public concern in Indonesia. And therefore we should find some joint ways to allay public concern," he said.
"Of course, we didn't go into details, but the willingness is there to look to the future with cooperation that will not risk the interests of each parties."
In an interview with the ABC's 7.30 following his meeting with Dr Boediono, Mr Abbott would not comment directly on the reports, but noted spying is common practice in international affairs.
"All countries, all governments, gather information. That's hardly a surprise," Mr Abbott said.
"One of the things that I've offered to do today in my discussions with the Indonesian vice president is to elevate our level of information sharing, because I want the people of Indonesia to know that everything, everything that we do is to help Indonesia as well as to help Australia."
Dr Boediono would not be drawn on whether Indonesia had ever spied on Australia.
"I certainly cannot guarantee anything about that kind of thing," Dr Boediono said.
"Certainly, as part of the Indonesian government, whatever we do in our embassy in any country will follow international law."

Jumat, 15/11/2013 16:07 WIB

Laporan dari Australia

Wapres Boediono Paparkan Pembicaraannya dengan PM Abbott soal Penyadapan

Rachmadin Ismail - detikNews
Melbourne - Wakil Presiden Boediono menyampaikan langsung keberatan Indonesia terhadap penyadapan intelejen kepada Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott. Apa reaksi Abbott menanggapinya?

Di dalam sesi jumpa pers bersama wartawan Indonesia di hotel Hyatt Melbourne, Australia, Jumat (15/11/2013), Boediono menjelaskan hasil kunjungan kerjanya selama lima hari di Australia yang agendanya adalah kerjasama pendidikan, riset dan budaya.

Namun, dalam pertemuan dengan Abbott, isu penyadapan oleh Australia ikut dibahas. Secara langsung, Boediono mengemukakan keberatan pemerintah dan masyarakat RI terhadap tindakan tersebut.

"Ini concern publik dari kita dan tidak akan hilang begitu saja," kata Boediono.

Secara resmi, Indonesia meminta agar ada perbaikan dalam proses pengumpulan informasi sehingga tidak merugikan kedua negara dan merusak hubungan yang sudah terjalin baik selama ini. Abbott merespons baik terhadap permintaan tersebut.

"Ide untuk ke depan ada suatu sistem di mana informasi yang dikumpulkan tidak dipakai untuk hal-hal merugikan kedua belah pihak. Nampaknya beliau tidak menolak. Artinya beliau sendiri pandangannya ke arah situ," jelasnya

Menurut wapres, bakal ada pembahasan lebih lanjut soal sistem itu. "Sementara ini belum ada yang konkrit, nanti ditindaklanjuti dengan semacam negosiasi mengani sistemnya," tambahnya.

Isu penyadapan mengemuka setelah Edward Snowden, mantan pegawai CIA membocorkannya. Media Australia mengangkat isu ini dan direspons keras oleh Indonesia.

Hingga kini, pemerintah Australia tak membantah atau membenarkan soal aktivitas itu. Saat diwawancarai ABC Australia, Abbott hanya mengatakan semua negara menggali informasi, namun bukan untuk kejahatan. Informasi yang digalinya dari Indonesia juga untuk kepentingan membantu Indonesia sendiri.

Ikuti berbagai peristiwa penting hari ini hanya di "Reportase Sore" Trans TV pukul 16.30 WIB

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