Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Stone -Lauterpacht sovereignty vacuum thesis applies to Gaza given October 7, and provides the legal basis for the Trump Gaza redevelopment plan - UN 1947 Two State Resolution may no longer be relevant

 by Ganeeh Sahathevan

Gazans support for HAMAS is backed by international actors,all who seemed happy that their backing was rewarded by October 7

by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Professor Julius Stone , the former  Challis Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law at the University of Sydney, writing in 2008 said: 

Acquisition of Sovereignty

This analysis, based on the sovereignty vacuum, affords a common legal frame for the legal positions of both West and East Jerusalem after both the 1948-49 and the 1967 wars. In 1967, Israel’s entry into Jerusalem was by way lawful self-defence, confirmed in the Security Council and General Assembly by the defeat of Soviet and Arab-sponsored resolutions demanding her withdrawal…
(Professor Sir Elihu ) Lauterpacht has offered a cogent legal analysis leading to the conclusion that sovereignty over Jerusalem has already vested in Israel. His view is that when the partition proposals were immediately rejected and aborted by Arab armed aggression, those proposals could not, both because of their inherent nature and because of the terms in which they were framed, operate as an effective legal re-disposition of the sovereign title.


While the Stone -Lauterpacht thesis of the sovereignty vacuum was formulated with regards Palestine it may be even more applicable given the fact that Gazans supported HAMAS in their October 7 2023 raid on Israel. They did so by the fact that they voted HAMAS into power, and have kept them there, providing the revenue HAMAS requires to finance its operations. 
By all accounts Gazans are not prepared to be rid of HAMAS and continue to support them, leaving Israel and its allies with no choice but to keep attacking HAMAS in Gaza. There is no prevailing law in Gaza, and it remains a base from which HAMAS can continue to attack Israel.There appears therefore to be a sovereignty vacuum in Gaza, with Israel being the party that can fill that vacuum. Israel then has the power to handover the sovereignty to the United States,as Trump has proposed. The UN 1947 Two State Resolution may no longer be relevant. 


Friday, February 7, 2025

Kuwait Finance House had very strong ties to Anwar Ibrahim and Rahim Ghouse , but chose Jho Low to act as its lobbyist in Malaysia in 2006 - An interesting series of coincidences between Anwar Ibrahim, Rahim Ghouse ,Jho Low and 1MDB demands answers

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                                     R-L: Wan Azizah, Anwar,Saifuddin Naustion, Rafizi,Ghouse

 An interesting coincidence : Anwar Ibrahim, Rahim Ghouse , Jho Low, and Kuwait Finance House

The story of Jho Low and 1MDB, and his Arab connections  is well a matter of public record.  As reported by The Edge 


Oct: Low Taek Jho or Jho Low, then a mere 26-year-old, attempted to lobby support for Kuwait Finance House’s bid for RHB Bank Bhd, which was put up for sale by Utama Banking Group Bhd (UBG), but did not succeed. UBG was controlled by the family of then Sarawak chief minister Taib Mahmud.


March: EPF offered to buy RHB Capital Bhd/RHB Bank from UBG for RM2.25 billion and completed the acquisition a few months later. UBG ended up with a hefty cash pile.  

Also in the public domain is the fact that in and around the same period , Dr Abdul Rahim Ghouse,  Anwar Ibrahim's closest advisor and overseer of his assets, had as part of his business activities while in exile in Melbourne , taken charge of Kuwait Finance House Australia (KFHA). Ghouse had " secured the entry of Kuwait Finance House intoAustralia".

 KFHA was a subsidiary of Kuwait Finance House Malaysia, which was in turn wholly-owned by Jho Low's client, Kuwait Finance House (KFH). That KFH had chosen to employ Jho Low as its lobbyist in Malaysia is curious given its connections to Ghouse and therefore Anwar Ibrahim  Anwar had been released from prison in 2004 and had led the opposition in the 2008 elections. It was fair to say that at that time he enjoyed considerable wealth and power, travelling as if he were a head of state despite having been sacked as Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in 1998, and spent almost 7 years in prison. 

Apart from leading the opposition in Malaysia Anwar had also been appointed a director of the Saudi AlBaraka Banking Group (ABG)  by his friend Salah Kamel.   ABG's assets in Malaysia included a stake in Utama Banking Group Bhd (UBG).  UBG was of course among assets traded by Jho Low, with 1MDB money.   Anwar Ibrahim owes Malaysians a clear explanation of all of the above, as well as an explanation about how he intends to expedite Jho Low's extradition to Malaysia, and the return of the assets Low and others working with him have stolen. 



Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Qatar will want to continue doing business with Gaza via Israel, the Trump plan may well include assigning labour and material supply contracts to Qatari interests with payment guaranteed by the Saudis

 by Ganesh Sahathevan   

                Even Al-Jazeera is not reporting the implications of the Trump plan for Qatar interests

US President Donald Trump's proposal to re-develop Gaza ,while anticipated by some, appears to be facing international opposition, if reports are to be believed. 

However, the reporting ignores how business was conducted in Gaza by Qatar via Israel (see story below). While HRH  Prince Turki Faisal Al-Saud appeared to be angered by the transactions it is unlikely he would want , or be able to, stand in the way of his fellow AL-Sauds wanting to make money out of the multi-billion dollar opportunity made possible by Trump.

Given existing business and other ties,  the Trump plan may well include assigning labour and material supply contracts to  Qatari interests, with payment guaranteed by the Saudis. Labor can of course be provided by Gazans living in refugee camps in Egypt, and other Palestinians. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

"I condemn Israel for funneling Qatari money to Hamas" - H.R.H. Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud schools the world on the realities of the Middle East and its wars


H.R.H. Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud was among other things Head, Public Intelligence Department; 2002, Ambassador to UK and Ireland; 2005, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to US.
He has been accused of funding Osama Bin Laden, but that was part of his job.  He is, for the less aware, best described as a billionaire version of James Bond's M.


Fmr. Saudi official: There are no heroes in Israel-Hamas war, only victims

The former Saudi ambassador said that Hamas's attack on Israeli civilians "belies Hamas's claims to an Islamic identity."

By TZVI JOFFREOCTOBER 20, 2023 01:35

Former head of Saudi intelligence and current Saudi King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies Chairman Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud attends a close session meeting at the IISS Regional Security Summit - The Manama Dialogue in Manama, December 8, 2013(photo credit: HAMAD I MOHAMMED/REUTERS)

Former head of Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence Presidency and former Saudi ambassador to the US Turki al-Faisal condemned both Hamas and Israel in a speech on Tuesday, saying Hamas committed acts forbidden by Islam and Israel was 'indiscriminately' bombing civilians in Gaza.

"There are no heroes in this conflict, only victims," said Faisal in a speech at a conference hosted by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy.

"All militarily occupied people have a right to resist their occupation, even militarily," said Faisal, stressing however "I do not support the military option in Palestine. I prefer the other option: civil insurrection and disobedience. It brought down the British Empire in India and the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe."

"Israel has overwhelming military superiority and we see in front of our eyes the devastation and oblivion it is bringing to the people of Gaza."Nayef al-Sudairi, Saudi Arabia's first-ever Saudi ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, left, speaks with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, during their meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023. (credit: MAJDI MOHAMMED/POOL VIA REUTERS)

The former Saudi official condemned Hamas's assault on southern Israel, saying "I categorically condemn Hamas's targeting of civilian targets of any age or gender as it is accused of. Such targeting belies Hamas's claims to an Islamic identity. There is an Islamic injunction against the killing of innocent children, women, and elders. The injunction is also against the desecration of places of worship."

Faisal continued to condemn both Hamas and the Israeli government, saying "I also condemn Hamas's gifting the higher moral ground to an Israeli government that is universally shunned, even by half of the Israeli public, as fascist, miscreant, and abhorrent. I condemn Hamas for giving this awful government the excuse to ethnically cleanse Gaza of its citizens and bombing them to oblivion."

The former Saudi ambassador additionally referenced efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, seemingly as part of efforts to reach a normalization deal with Israel. "I condemn Hamas for further undermining the Palestinian Authority as Israel has been doing. I condemn Hamas for sabotaging the attempt of Saudi Arabia to reach a peaceful resolution to the plight of the Palestinian people, but equally I condemn Israel's indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian innocent civilians in Gaza and the attempt to forcibly drive them into [the] Sinai. I condemn Israeli targeted killing and the indiscriminate arrest of Palestinian children, women, and men in the West Bank. Two wrongs don't make a right."
Former Saudi official says Israel's actions concerning Palestinians 'provoked' Hamas attack

"I've been hearing a repeated phrase in American media: unprovoked attack. What more provocation is required to make it provoked than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three-quarters of a century."

Faisal listed off a number of complaints against Israel, including Jewish visits to the Temple Mount and settlements in the West Bank. The former Saudi ambassador additionally accused Israel of holding Palestinians "in concentration camps without recourse to due process."

Faisal referred to Qatar's role in the conflict between Israel and Hamas as well, saying "I condemn Israel for funneling Qatari money to Hamas, the terrorist group as defined by Israel."

Faisal stressed that the Arab Peace Initiative is "the only viable alternative to this bloodbath. Israel should seize it with all that it can muster of political, economic, and military might. Similar to America's Vietnam debacle, Israel just suffered its own 'Tet Offensive.'

The former ambassador compared the current war to the Vietnam War, saying that the US's losses in its involvement in the Vietnam War led to then president Lyndon B. Johnson not running for reelection. "Whether [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu will resign, we'll have to wait and see."

During the speech, Faisal also stated that the Yom Kippur War was "not an Arab attack on Israel, but an Arab counterattack to Israel's aggression in 1967." The former claimed that countless efforts were made to get Israel to withdraw to the 1948 borders before the war in 1973, including promising oil supplies to the US.
Faisal: I've never seen Netanyahu as a man of peace

In an interview with journalist Hadley Gamble, when asked if he believed peace could ever be achieved while Netanyahu is in office, Faisal responded "I have never seen him as a man of peace, so I don't know."

"He's had the most major defeat of his career as a result of Hamas's actions across the border with Gaza. Will he survive that, will the Israeli people allow him to survive that as prime minister and not bring him to task and question him and get rid of him because of this awful failure that resulted from his policy?"

Faisal added that Qatar's support of Hamas is "troubling."

"Hamas's activities against the Palestinian people [are] well documented, how they treated the Palestinian Authority when they took over in Gaza in 2006. As I said, I'm no friend of Hamas. Anyone who provides support to them should be taken to task.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Singapore High Court decision in Goh Hin Juan case provides an avenue for victims of the Cellos financial disaster to pursue Cellos directors and their assets (including assets held by their estates)

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Promises of rewards on earth and in heaven by  their pastor, former OUE CEO Thio Gim Hock may have led City Mission Kallang members into the Cellos financial disaster- Church members may be able to recover losses from all involved,  including pastor and property tycoon Thio's estate

As previously reported on this blog: 

This recent decision of the Singapore High Court  should cause Singapore company directors to want to consider resignation despite the prestige and perks they enjoy. It should be of even greater concern to Australian directors of Singapore companies, for they would be used to  the lower expectations under Australian law of non-executive directors: 

64 First, I did not consider the proper approach to be to focus on whether Dr Goh’s proper designation was that of an executive or non-executive director at any given time. A director’s particular designation is not determinative or conclusive of the role that he plays in the company. Rather, the content of a director’s duty is determined by the involvement, responsibilities or functions he undertakes. Put simply, the focus is on substance rather than form.

65 The second point is that, regardless of whether Dr Goh was in form or substance an executive or non-executive director of IPP, the fact would remain that he would be subject to a “minimum objective standard of care which entails the obligation to take reasonable steps to place [himself] in a position to guide and monitor the management of the company” (see the Court of Appeal decisions of Ho Yew Kong at [137] and BIT Baltic Investment & Trading Pte Ltd (in compulsory liquidation) v Wee See Boon [2023] 1 SLR 1648 (“BIT Baltic”) at [56]). Thus, even if Dr Goh were to succeed in his attempt at downplaying his role in IPP, he could not escape a duty to maintain a minimum degree of awareness and oversight.

(Excerpt from judgement Inter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd (in liquidation)v Goh Jin Hian [2024] SGHC 17 )            

This  blog has also alerted victims of the Cellos financial disaster in Singapore  to the avenues they may have against Singapore director Constance Peck, and others named in a decision of the Federal Court Australia 

In  CellOS Software Ltd v Huber, Federal Court of Australia, 20 December 2018, the Court held: 

1046. In summary and based on the factual analysis set out above, CellOS has not made out its case against the Pecks and Mr (Melvin) Tan concerning the requisite knowledge necessary to establishing accessorial liability.[621]

1047. In my view, the Pecks and Mr Tan lacked actual knowledge of or relevant to the following matters. Moreover, I am not prepared to infer actual knowledge of such matters from a lesser constructive knowledge foundation or reckless indifference.

Australian courts have adopted  a criminal standard of proof , that is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, even in civil cases such as Cellos where the practice has been proof on a balance of probabilities. Singapore's courts are likely to have stayed with the latter, and hence it may still be possible for Cellos  investors to pursue Peck and Tan, as well as former pastor of the City Mission Kallang Church Thio Gim Hock for the loss they suffered. 

The decision in Inter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd (in liquidation)v Goh Jin Hian [2024] SGHC 17 is clearly less lenient on company directors compared to the relevant law in Australia, and that should mean that Cellos directors can now pursue Cellos directors excused by the Fecedarl Court in Australia. 


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Promises of rewards on earth and in heaven by  their pastor, former OUE CEO Thio Gim Hock may have led City Mission Kallang members into the Cellos financial disaster- Church members may be able to recover losses from all involved,  including pastor and property tycoon Thio's estate

 b y Ganesh Sahathevan 

In the continuing  Cellos Software Ltd saga much is being revealed in ongoing Federal Court proceedings in Australia. Among the revelations is the excerpt below from the judgement of Mr Justice Beach which includes correspondence from former Cellos director Constance Peck (at paragraph 309): 

  1. The “profit”went back to CellOS, to Christian work, to charity and to the same of the people who bought at USD5.00.
Melvin (Tan) gave away all and more than the money that he made from these transactions - to Anthony Cooper and Andrea’s charities, to Thio Gim Hock’s missionary outreaches, and to many needy people and church needs - I can absolutely vouch for that. He has kept nothing of the profit - and the Lord has just been blessing him immeasurably. Let him tell you his stories of the goodness of God to him. The new BMW that Melvin now drives are indeed a gift from a grateful investor in stocks that have already made them a lot of money..

The attribution of earthly wealth to heavenly elements  is common  in the protestant churches.  The term prosperity theology and  prosperity gospel have been used to describe the phenomenon

Prosperity theology has worked well for the pastors or leaders of the churches that promote it. In the case of Cellos Thio received a share of the profits from the sale of discounted shares  and was also paid what appears to be a commission for introducing investors. It is believed that he  had led his congregation in praying for the success of the Cellos venture, which included a NASDAQ IPO. It is also understood that the prayers were part of the share sale promotion. 

This promise of earthly and heavenly rewards can easily confuse and  mislead investors. Thio, who has been described as a property tycoon, was after all a pastor to his parishioners and therefore in a position of trust. 

The information that is now available publicly in the Australian judgements provide City Mission Kallang members who have lost money of their Cellos investments the means, or at least part of the means, to pursue Thio and others who led them into the investment. 

Thio has passed away, but they can probably pursue the late tycoon's estate. 


Friday, February 10, 2023

Praise The Lord- The financial martyrdom of City Mission Church Singapore members at the hand of their pastor, former OUE CEO Thio Gim Hock is a lesson in the punishment that can befall those who serve God and Mammon

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


 Former OUE CEO and evangelist Thio Gim Hock has been called home to the Lord

As previously reported on this blog  Cellos Software Ltd, a company incorporated in Australia but with its business in Singapore, has been put into liquidation. Ongoing legal proceedings before the Federal Court in Australia suggest the company has nothing, not even the funds to pay its lawyers.Shareholders are therefore likely to lose everything they have invested. Many of the shareholders of this public unlisted company are likely to be members of Singapore's City Mission Church CMC), Kallang.

One had to be a Christian (and member of the CMC) to be offered "special" Cellos. shares. In one of a number pf proceedings before the Federal Court  heard by Mr Justice Beach, the Court found that former director Constance Peck had acted as broker between Cellos and members of the CMC: 

  1. On 17 July 2014, Mrs (Constance)  Peck exchanged WhatsApp messages with Mr Chris Ho, who was a potential purchaser of CellOS shares. Apparently Mr Ho wished to bring a friend to an investor presentation, although the friend was not a Christian. Mrs Peck replied:
The preferential price of USD5.00 per share is a friendly price for Christians n we will require them to do a pledge. Tithe on profit at listing. Non-believers – it’s an arm’s length commercial deal. We open at USD 10.00. Some brokers quote higher. I leave it to the brokers.

The court also found that Mrs Peck had paid a pastor of the CMC, former OUE chief executive Thio Gim Hock, what appears to be a commission on the purchase of shares: 

  1. As to “piggy-backing”, at various times between July 2013 and July 2014, Mrs Peck allowed certain friends to, as she described it, “piggy back” on her further purchases of US$2 shares through Mr Huber (the former CEO)..........
  2. One example of piggy-backing was the transfer of shares by Mrs Peck to Mr Anthony Cooper and his relatives for US$2 per share. A further example of piggy-backing was the transfer of shares at US$2 per share to Yong Weng Kong (also known as Mr Albert Yong), Mr Yong’s wife Heng Mui Kheng (also known as Ms Lillian Heng), KA Chang and  Thio Gim Hock  as a “reward” for their efforts in introducing high net-worth investors to CellOS.
There is further reference to Thio Gim Hock in paragraph 309:
  1. The “profit” went back to CellOS, to Christian work, to charity and to the same of the people who bought at USD5.00.
Melvin (another Cellos promoter) gave away all and more than the money that he made from these transactions - to Anthony Cooper and Andrea’s charities, to  Thio Gim Hock ’s missionary outreaches, and to many needy people and church needs - I can absolutely vouch for that. He has kept nothing of the profit - and the Lord has just been blessing him immeasurably. Let him tell you his stories of the goodness of God to him. The new BMW that Melvin now drives are indeed a gift from a grateful investor in stocks that have already made them a lot of money,

Mr Thio is understood to have encouraged his congregation to invest in the Cellos special price Christian only shares, so that they might better serve The Lord. His exhortation would undoubtedly have benefited Ms Peck in her riskless arbitrage, which she described as hard work.  Judge Beach discloses in his judgement:  

  1. As I have set out earlier, on 8 October 2013, Mrs Peck wrote to Mr Huber, copied to Mr Peck, in the context of her work selling shares with Mr Tan to new investors:

These are shares that belong to investors who bought many shares in the past but expected the listing on Nasdaq to take place this year. Since it is not likely to happen in 2013, they need to offload some to realise the cash tied up for other pressing needs. They still hold many CellOS shares. They are/were willing to recover their money (at USD2.00 per share) and we are/were in a position to buy and then sell to our investors at prices ranging from USD2.00 to USD5.00 (not always USD5.00).

 I have never worked so hard in my life - selling USD2.00 CellOS shares to raise funds directly for CellOS and then selling USD5.00 shares to raise funds indirectly for CellOS. (Of course for me, the Pledge - and therefore raising funds for the church is a great motivation).”

Cellos liquidation means shareholders, and The Lord get nothing, despite Mrs Peck "never (having) worked so hard in (her) life". It does seem as The Lord has punished those who attempted to serve Mammon and He. Mr Thio Gim Hock has gone home to The Lord. 


Cellos Software, backed by members of Singapore’s elite , including members of a church, put into liquidation in Australia.




Saturday, February 1, 2025

Are NSW counter-terrorism efforts being compromised by judicial officers and NSW Department Of Justice employees determined to defend and promote seemingly progressive pro-Islamist views

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

        R-L: Susan (Bastick) Carter Director, former Law Extension Committee (LEC) at University of Sydney and current Shadow AG NSW, with Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO KC Governor of New South Wales and Siew McKeogh, Executive Officer of the LPAB. The LPAB oversees the LEC's Diploma in Law as it does the College Of Law. These associations have resulted in a wagon fort like protection of one another, to the point where statutory reporting obligations are being ignored, to the detriment of students and the legal profession in NSW. reports:

Peter Dutton has attempted to suggest Anthony Albanese was not briefed about a foiled Sydney terror plot which appeared to target the Jewish community because NSW Police did not trust the Prime Minister, or the Prime Minister’s office not to leak details of their secret operations.

Prior to media reports which first appeared in The Daily Telegraph, the AFP and NSW Police had been secretly investigating the discovery of an explosives-laden caravan which had detailed the address of a Jewish synagogue and umped in Sydney’s north west.

While NSW Premier Chris Minns was briefed on the investigation the day after the discovery, on January 20, Mr Albanese has so far refused to confirm when he was briefed, refraining from commenting on “operation matters”.

The incident was also not disclosed at a national cabinet meeting convened in the wake of the Melbourne Adass Israel Synagogue fire bombing on January 21 .

Before that Skynews reported:: 

NSW Police failed to inform any Jewish community or security organisations of the fact a caravan laden with explosives had been found in Sydney.

Sky News can reveal the police also didn’t inform the potential intended targets of the threat.

Jewish organisations only learned of the discovery of a caravan with enough explosives to create a 40 metre blast wave, when The Daily Telegraph reported the story on Wednesday evening.

The revelation was met with shock and a level of concern at the failure of NSW or federal authorities to inform them of this threat, which is an even greater escalation of the current instances.

Deputy Police Commissioner, Dave Hudson, initially implied at his press conference on Wednesday that the Jewish community had been informed of the threat.

But this was inaccurate.

Readers are reminded that there is a vast  army of civil servants that are also involved in the regulatory, intelligence and enforcement operations relevant to the incidents mentioned above. In NSW they are to be found in the NSW Department Of Justice ( these days also known as the Department Of Cousinly Services And Justice). As previously reported (see story below) they are capable of defaming those like this writer who have investigated and reported on jihadi terrorism for over 30 years.

It is not unlikely that they are also undermining counter-terrorism efforts  by leaking information to friends  in  anti-Israel and antisemitic organistaions.



by Ganesh Sahathevan

The Austrlian has reported that Federal Court judge Michael Lee is "outraged" by recent attacks on the Jewish community in Sydney.  
 Lee is a product of the NSW Supreme Court and NSW Bar, whose leading lights include the former Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, the current Governor NSW Margaret Beazley, and others who have from time to time professed superior knowledge of sharia and Islamist politics. Bathurst for example undermined one of his own judges in his zeal to demonstrate enlightened views on Islamism (even if he did not understand that that was what he was encouraging).
The former President Of The Court Of Appeal and current Governor NSW Margaret Beazley continues to publicly support the Gulen  movement, despite its anti-semitic views.

If Lee is outraged, he should start with first demanding answers from his former colleagues at the NSW Bar and NSW Supreme Court. 



by Ganesh Sahathevan

Readers are referred to the article published earlier on this blog about the views of the Governor designate NSW, the former President Of The Court Of Appeal NSW Margaret Beazley AO.
The Governor designate's views are contained in a speech that continues to be broadcast (or "published")  to the whole world on the NSW Supreme Court website:

Governor designate Margaret Beazley AO  will have to clarify her position on Islam very soon.:Her silence in the case of the Malaysian lesbians punished by caning maybe acceptable among judges but not from the Queen's representative

The story above includes this paragraph which the Legal Profession Admission Board NSW, whose chairman is the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, have deemed to be defamatory,and lacking "insight": 

The Hon Justice M J Beazley AO, President Of The Court Of Appeal ,State Of NSW, Australia ,said in a speech delivered in 2014, but not widely reported:
"...despite a perception that Islam and the Australian law are incompatible, this is not borne out by the caselaw"
She did so in conjunction with the Affinity Intercultural Foundation, the Australian arm of the Fetullah Gulen movement. While Gulen and his followers have been recently victimised by former friend and ally Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, the president of Turkey who they helped install, Gulen and his people are not innocent of jihadi activity.
They are nevertheless quite adapt at recruiting Western "intellectuals" to promote their, cause, Her Honour is only the most recent.

Now , compare the views of the highly learned justices to that of the Sultan Of Brunei, an absolute monarch of a Muslim country:

A Powerful Message From Brunei to the World

Thursday, January 30, 2025

AFP, NSW Police should be very worried that antisemitic attacks show no “particular ideology” - Lack of ideology suggests that Mumbai 2008 type attacks organised by Dawood Ibrahim for Pakistan's ISI are now part of Australia's threat matrix

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Moshe Holtzberg, the son of US Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, who was killed with his wife in the Mumbai November 26, 2008 terror attack, during a memorial for the victims of the attack at Nariman (Chabad) House in 2018. (Picture: AFP)


The SMH reported on 30 January 2025: 

Last week, Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw detailed intelligence suggesting “criminals for hire” could be behind some of the attacks, paid in cryptocurrency by foreign actors.

But there was little detail about who these alleged overseas agents could be.

There was no “particular ideology” or “any common links” between ideologies driving the attacks at this stage, Deputy Commissioner David Hudson said.

“But nothing’s excluded ... We pursue everything until we get to the truth,” he said.

One hopes that both Reece Kershaw and David Hudson understand that the absence of a  “particular ideology”  or “any common links” between ideologies suggests a much larger, more complex problem of terrorism, for it suggests that terrorism and jihadi activity in Australia has progressed to the level where state actors, and their proxies, are now carrying out acts of terrorism to further the objectives of the states concerned. The area is complex, but the example of Dawood Ibrahim and his work for and with Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI)  is a good place to start for those new to the subject.

Dawood Ibrahim's D-Company is said to have been responsible for providing logistics for the Mumbai 2008 attack, acting on behalf of the ISI. Among the 166 killed were Gabi and Rivka Holtzberg  of Chabad House, a Jewish cultural centre in. Mumbai

To Be Read With 

Monday, October 26, 2015

NSW Police, AFP let loose jihadi financier: Dawood Ibrahim's

 Australian interests protected to win the Muslim vote?

by Ganesh Sahathevan

 NSW Police had these matters brought   to their attention in 2008, after the Indian gangster and ISI
operative Dawood Ibrahim was implicated in the 2008 Mumbai attack:

According to well placed sources, Dawood has vast business interests in the hospitality industry in the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia and India. Several shopping malls in the West and Australia are also reportedly owned by the family. An airline from a Central Asian republic is also being allegedly funded by the D-company.

NSW Police and the AFP (assuming intelligence is shared) were also made aware that there was 
within at least the legal  system a startling lack of understanding as to who Dawood Ibrahim is, as evidenced by no less than the High Court Of Australia who described him as the " benevolent Muslim industrialist, Dawood Ibrahim".

Despite all this ,Dawood Ibrahim's interests in Australia seem to have been ignored, even if the AFP kept a close watch on his rival , Chota Rajan aka Ranjendra Sadashiv Nikalje(see story below).
This looks like another case of the NSW Police and AFP appeasing the Muslim community, and both sides of politics doing whatever necessary to win the Muslim vote.

Indian alleged mobster who lived in Australia, was arrested in Bali after being on the run for 20 years

  • October 26, 20156:56pm
Ranjendra Sadashiv Nikalje, who was wanted by Intertpol for year,s was arrested on Sunday as he arrived in Bali on a Garuda flight from Sydney, Australia.
  • Cindy Wockner and Komang Erviani
  • News Corp Australia Network
AN INDIAN alleged mobster’s 20 years on the run, most recently living in Australia, ended on the weekend when his plane touched down in Bali.
He was planning a 15-day stay on the holiday island. But now he is in a jail cell at Denpasar police station, nabbed as he left the plane which had flown him from Sydney to Bali.
The alleged boss of one of India’s major crime syndicates has been living quietly in Australia now for quite some time.
His charmed life, evading authorities across South East Asia for years, including a daring escape from a Bangkok hospital after he almost died, came to an end when last month he was identified living in our midst.
Australian Federal Police notified their Indian counterparts that the man using the name Kumar Mohan was in fact one of their most wanted — Ranjendra Sadashiv Nikalje also known as Chotta Rajan or Little Rajan or Nana — who is accused of involvement in more than 20 murders and a string of crimes.
Nikalje was arrested about 1.50pm Bali time on Sunday after arriving on a Garuda flight from Sydney.
Denpasar police general crime chief, Reinhard Habonaran Nainggolan, said authorities in Indonesia had been told he was alleged to have masterminded 15-25 murders in India.
He said local police were now co-ordinating with police headquarters in Jakarta about the process for extradition back to India.
Living it up ... Ranjendra Sadashiv Nikalje was on the way to Bali, Indonesia.
Living it up ... Ranjendra Sadashiv Nikalje was on the way to Bali, Indonesia.Source:Supplied
Nikalje has been on the run from authorities since about 1995 and was wanted on an Interpol Red Notice. However, as a Red Notice, is not an arrest warrant under Australian law he could not be arrested in Australia. Indonesian Interpol says the Red notice was issued in July 1995.
Nikalje’s Wikipedia entry claims that he began his criminal career scalping cinema tickets and went on to become a lieutenant of another gangster, the leader of the notorious D-Company crime gang.
The pair went separate ways in 1996 and in 1988 Nikalje is said to have fled to Dubai, where he allegedly continued to operate and pull the strings of his crime syndicate.
He then turned up in Thailand where his adversaries tracked him down and attempted to kill him, succeeding in gunning down his aides. In a Bangkok hospital after the attempt on his life and as Indian police put in place moves for his extradition, he is said to have escaped after bribing hospital staff.
He reportedly now suffers diabetes and requires kidney dialysis.
An Australian Federal Police spokesman said that in September this year the AFP had confirmed that Nikalje was living in Australia under another name and advised the Indian authorities and Interpol.
On Sunday Nikalje left Australia bound for Bali.
Interpol in Canberra alerted the Indonesian authorities who arrested him, at the request of India, when the plane landed.

Dawood Ibrahim's many lives

From Deepak K Upreti 
DH News Service New Delhi: 

The CBI's success with Abu Salem, a one-time key operative of the infamous D-company, has brought the focus back on Dawood Ibrahim, the criminal extraordinaire and prime accused in the Mumbai serial bomb blasts case. 

Dawood is learnt to have literally put on a new face, thanks to plastic surgery to escape the prying eyes of the International Criminal Police Organization after Washington declared him a "global terrorist". 

The US prompted the United Nations also into listing Dawood as a "global terrorist". While US order froze all assets belonging to him within the US and prohibited US nationals from transacting with him, the UN listing required that all UN member-states take similar actions. Dawood who lived in "style" in a posh locale of Karachi under the protection of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), is now desperately looking for a "safer hideout" outside Pakistan. 

It is believed that Dawood is now sharing his smuggling routes with Osama-bin-Laden's terrorist outfit al-Qaeda and funding attacks by Islamic extremists aimed at destabilising India. 

He is known to have financed the activities of Lashkar-e-Toiba, a group outlawed by the US in October 2001 and apparently banned by the Pakistani government in January 2002. The Lashkar is also suspected to be involved in the recent Delhi blasts. 

Apart from the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, Dawood is wanted in several cases including for drug trafficking, contract killings, aiding and abetting terrorism and so on. 

Dawood's influence in Mumbai filmdom with many top cine actors and actresses, directors and producers courting him and his henchmen is all too well known. Congress MP from Mumbai and Bollywood actor Govinda was recently in news for a video footage that caught him with the underworld criminal in Dubai. 

It is estimated that Dawood and his family own assets worth Rs 1720 crore including several buildings at prime locations of Mumbai such as Colaba, Crawford Market, Bhendi Bazar, Bandra, Oshiwara and Versova. Many of these are "benami" making it difficult to confiscate them. The family also has several builders, stockbrokers and jewellers operating as fronts for it. 

According to well placed sources, Dawood has vast business interests in the hospitality industry in the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia and India. Several shopping malls in the West and Australia are also reportedly owned by the family. An airline from a Central Asian republic is also being allegedly funded by the D-company. 

Apart from Salem, another erstwhile hit man to desert the D-company is Chota Rajan. It is alleged that Rajan is now targeting Dawood in tandem with the Indian intelligence agencies. 

Dawood's underworld saga appears to be "timeless" stretching many generations and is unlikely to see an end as long as his crime (business) syndicate keeps receiving political and police patronage within the country and as also from across the border in Pakistan. 

Salem's "homecoming" will have no significant impact on the deadly acts of the D-empire.

Jihadist wins immigration appeal

December 8, 2004 - 1:10PM

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A man claiming to be member of an Islamic group who was arrested in India for planning a bomb attack today won a High Court case against Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone.
The High Court ruled a member of the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) did not allow the man, known as Naff, procedural fairness.
It quashed the RRT's decision to refuse Naff refugee status and ordered it to redetermine his application for a review of the case.
Naff is a Muslim Tamil who said he was an active member of the Indian Union Muslim League and of a committee of the Jihad Movement.
He was president of an organisation in his village associated with a movement led by a benevolent Muslim industrialist, Dawood Ibrahim, whom he said he met in Bombay.
Naff was arrested with 30 other Muslims in India in December 1998 and accused of planning to plant bombs.
He said he was severely beaten before being released a few days later and later decided to flee India to save his life.
In March 2000, an Australian Immigration Department officer refused Naff's application for a protection visa, rejecting his claim he met Ibrahim in India and that he was involved with the Jihad Movement.
Naff applied to the RRT for review of that decision.
The RRT held a hearing into Naff's case in February 2002, with questioning revealing inconsistencies in his evidence, including the dates he was detained and the number of detentions.
At the end of the hearing, the RRT member told Naff that given the inconsistencies she would write to him asking for more information.
However, she failed to write and instead the RRT rejected his application, saying Ibrahim was regarded by Indian authorities as a gangster so he was unlikely to have travelled to India and met Naff.
The RRT also said belonging to the Jihad Movement contradicted Naff's claim of opposing violence.
The Federal Court of Australia dismissed Naff's application for orders quashing the RRT decision.
However, the High Court granted Naff special leave to appeal over the failure of the RRT member to write to him.
The court today held that with her closing remarks, the RRT member was acknowledging that the review's purposes had not been completely fulfilled.
"She was indicating that she had not yet finished receiving the presentation of arguments by the appellant which he had been invited to make," the High Court said in its judgment.
"She was saying that procedural fairness required some further steps to be taken.
"It is clear that the tribunal member was in the best position to judge whether the review process was incomplete.
"Her conduct is only consistent with the formation of a firm impression that it was."
The High Court held that depriving Naff of the opportunity to answer questions was a breach of procedural fairness and unanimously allowed his appeal.
It quashed the RRT's review decision and ordered it to redetermine the application for review.