by Ganesh Sahathevan
Peter Dutton has attempted to suggest Anthony Albanese was not briefed about a foiled Sydney terror plot which appeared to target the Jewish community because NSW Police did not trust the Prime Minister, or the Prime Minister’s office not to leak details of their secret operations.
Prior to media reports which first appeared in The Daily Telegraph, the AFP and NSW Police had been secretly investigating the discovery of an explosives-laden caravan which had detailed the address of a Jewish synagogue and umped in Sydney’s north west.
While NSW Premier Chris Minns was briefed on the investigation the day after the discovery, on January 20, Mr Albanese has so far refused to confirm when he was briefed, refraining from commenting on “operation matters”.
The incident was also not disclosed at a national cabinet meeting convened in the wake of the Melbourne Adass Israel Synagogue fire bombing on January 21 .
Before that Skynews reported::
NSW Police failed to inform any Jewish community or security organisations of the fact a caravan laden with explosives had been found in Sydney.
Sky News can reveal the police also didn’t inform the potential intended targets of the threat.
Jewish organisations only learned of the discovery of a caravan with enough explosives to create a 40 metre blast wave, when The Daily Telegraph reported the story on Wednesday evening.
The revelation was met with shock and a level of concern at the failure of NSW or federal authorities to inform them of this threat, which is an even greater escalation of the current instances.
Deputy Police Commissioner, Dave Hudson, initially implied at his press conference on Wednesday that the Jewish community had been informed of the threat.
But this was inaccurate.
Readers are reminded that there is a vast army of civil servants that are also involved in the regulatory, intelligence and enforcement operations relevant to the incidents mentioned above. In NSW they are to be found in the NSW Department Of Justice ( these days also known as the Department Of Cousinly Services And Justice). As previously reported (see story below) they are capable of defaming those like this writer who have investigated and reported on jihadi terrorism for over 30 years.
It is not unlikely that they are also undermining counter-terrorism efforts by leaking information to friends in anti-Israel and antisemitic organistaions.
by Ganesh Sahathevan

The Austrlian has reported that Federal Court judge Michael Lee is "outraged" by recent attacks on the Jewish community in Sydney. Lee is a product of the NSW Supreme Court and NSW Bar, whose leading lights include the former Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, the current Governor NSW Margaret Beazley, and others who have from time to time professed superior knowledge of sharia and Islamist politics. Bathurst for example undermined one of his own judges in his zeal to demonstrate enlightened views on Islamism (even if he did not understand that that was what he was encouraging).
Sharia: The Sultan Of Brunei & the Governor designate NSW Margaret Beazley's views compared.;the official position of the Government Of Brunei vs that of the Supreme Court NSW
Readers are referred to the article published earlier on this blog about the views of the Governor designate NSW, the former President Of The Court Of Appeal NSW Margaret Beazley AO.
The Governor designate's views are contained in a speech that continues to be broadcast (or "published") to the whole world on the NSW Supreme Court website:
Governor designate Margaret Beazley AO will have to clarify her position on Islam very soon.:Her silence in the case of the Malaysian lesbians punished by caning maybe acceptable among judges but not from the Queen's representative
The story above includes this paragraph which the Legal Profession Admission Board NSW, whose chairman is the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, have deemed to be defamatory,and lacking "insight":
The Hon Justice M J Beazley AO, President Of The Court Of Appeal ,State Of NSW, Australia ,said in a speech delivered in 2014, but not widely reported:
"...despite a perception that Islam and the Australian law are incompatible, this is not borne out by the caselaw"
She did so in conjunction with the Affinity Intercultural Foundation, the Australian arm of the Fetullah Gulen movement. While Gulen and his followers have been recently victimised by former friend and ally Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the president of Turkey who they helped install, Gulen and his people are not innocent of jihadi activity.
They are nevertheless quite adapt at recruiting Western "intellectuals" to promote their, cause, Her Honour is only the most recent.
Now , compare the views of the highly learned justices to that of the Sultan Of Brunei, an absolute monarch of a Muslim country:
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