Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Given Anwar Ibrahim's apparent agreement to relinquishing control over Petronas to the Agong, Sultan Ibrahim of Johor can expedite the implementation of a Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage offshore Johor


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the statement from Sultan of Johor, who is the Agong-in-waiting, was just a proposal and can be discussed with the government.  - NSTP/MOHAMAD SHAHRIL BADRI SAALI

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says he is open to discuss the suggestion that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and national petroleum company, Petronas, should report directly to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
“We can discuss it, as far as I’m concerned there’s no problem,” he was quoted as saying, when asked to comment on the proposal by the sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.
He said it would also not affect the separation of powers between the monarch and the executive

The New Straits Times seems to have reported the same, in albeit a confused jumble of words, under the headline:
'It was just a suggestion,' says Anwar on Johor sultan's statement on MACC, Petronas"

Given Anwar's apparent agreement Sultan Ibrahim of Johor can expedite the implementation of a Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage offshore Johor.


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Can the next Agong, the Sultan Of Johor, demand that the former Petronas PM 310 offshore Johor block be carved out of Petronas exploration blocks PM 417 and PM 445 , and expedite its development as a carbon dioxide warehouse for Singapore's refining and petrochemical industries

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Petronas block PM 310 offshore Johor was an "open" block,and did not have to be put out for auction.Anyone could  put forward a proposal for it, but it remained on the market.
Now it appears that most of PM 310 has been subsumed into PM 445 and PM 417 which are being offered as part of Petronas' 2023 bidding round. 

It could well be that the PM 310 is not economically viable for oil or gas, but it may possibly be useful as a carbon dioxide store. Determination of that potential will require the usual seismic and other work geophysical work, but if it is proven to be a viable store, there is likely to be demand from Singapore which is seeking to burnish its green credentials while earning vital dollars from its oil  refining and petrochemical industries. 
The Sultan Of Johor will be the next Yang Di Pertuan Agong.  Will His Majesty  demand that the former PM 310 offshore Johor be carved out of PM 445 and PM 417 , and expedite its development as a carbon warehouse for Singapore's refining and petrochemical industries ?


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