Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Climate change records being broken at the ancient land now known as Sydney Airport

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

As reported by the SMH on 18 September 2023:

At Sydney airport, it was 31 degrees at 1pm, while Penrith reached 36.3 degrees at 2pm.

Temperature records for the start of spring have been shattered in parts of Australia as cloudless skies across the continent have heated the air that is now lingering over eastern capital cities, setting the nation up for what is expected to be a long and hot summer.

See however the graphs below extracted from Yale's Global Surface UHI Explorer

Recall that Sydney Airport is concreted. The downward trend in loss of temperature at night 
suggests that the extent of the built up area is increasing. 
Note that the temperature records above  are calculated against a baseline that comprises the vegetated area surrounding the built up area.For details see



Global Surface UHI Explorer
This app displays surface urban heat islands (SUHI) at a global scale from 2003 to 2020. Use the search bar or pan over the map to find your urban cluster of interest. Click anywhere within the boundary of an urban cluster, and the cluster mean statistics will be listed in the space below. You also have the option to subset and download the gridded SUHI intensity rasters for the selected urban cluster at the bottom of the panel.
Computed from software at

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