Saturday, July 8, 2023

Lim Chong Yah's death provides Lee Hsien Loong and Lee Hsien Yang an opportunity to end the family feud- Hsien Loong can, amongst other things, review the advice her was provided by his ministers

 by Ganesh Sahatevan 

The death of Lim Chong Yah, father-in-law to Lee Hsien Yang, may present an opportunity for some form of rapprochement between Hsien Yang and his elder brother Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
The brothers' feud means that Hsien Yang's wife and son, who are also Lim's daughter Suet Fern, and grandson Sheng Wu, will be denied attendance at his funeral.
In Chinese majority Singapore that will not be a good look, but being Prime Minister Lee does have the option of reviewing the advice he was provided with regards his brother and wife, by among others, the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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