Thursday, May 11, 2023

Recovery of money stolen from 1MDB requires a return to the beginning of the saga and Riza Aziz's Wolf Of Wall Street

 by Ganesh Sahathevan


Despite the Malayian Government's heroic assertions the 1MDB asset recovery drags on, with little if anything in sight.    Fresh efforts are required, and that requires a return to the beginning of  the saga,   and Riza Aziz's Wolf Of Wall Street.

The revelation of the 1MDB theft began late in the evening  of 23 December 2013 when this writer was informed by a close friend and associate in KL that Riza Aziz, stepson of then Prime Minister Najib Razak , had produced a Hollywood movie that had been financed by the Government Of Malaysia (GOM). 

The informant's identity must remain confidential, but suffice to say that this particular source's standing in KL  was such that a search for information from open sources was immediately commenced. Confirmation that Riza Aziz was producing the Wolf Of Wall Street was not difficult to obtain, for Riza had been in the news in Hollywood since at least December 2012.  There was however no information anywhere about who or what was financing Riza's ventures and hence confirmation of the information  that the GOM was in fact financing the movie was difficult.

It  was clear that  the truth would only be revealed if Riza's finances were subject to international media  scrutiny and to achieve that end this writer sent the  information obtained to  a colleague who had a far greater readership,  Sarawak Report's Clare Rewcastle-Brown, 

Meanwhile, further open source investigation was conducted over the Christmas holiday , and it was quickly discovered that Riza had also purchased a multi-million dollar property in Los Angeles. He was not known to be wealthy, and there was therefore a strong suspicion that  there was a hidden source of funds. 

On 28 December 2013, Sarawak Report published what was to be the first in a long series of stories that would eventually lead to Najib Razak's  conviction in 2022. He faces a range of other 1MDB related charges. 

This  writer's search and analysis  of open source documents, and in particular financial documents, connected to Riza Aziz, Najib Razak, Jho Low, 1MDB and related companies continued even as SR and others revealed more, and more. The collection of material gathered, including that which has already been published on this and related blogs, will now be reassembled and presented, with the expectation that all that was stolen will finally be recovered. 


To Be Read With 

Wall Street Greed / Malaysian Money - EXPOSE!

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