Saturday, March 11, 2023

Malaysia concerned about AUKUS but silent about Australian Government's LGBT Initiatives in Malaysia - Anwar Ibrahim has not disclosed discussions with Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong and her plans to support LGBT groups and programs in Malaysia and the region

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

          Anwar Ibrahim met Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong recently 

Malaysia has not been hesitant informing  Australia when Malaysia's national interest are threatened. Malaysia's objection to AUKUS is a good example.   

Malaysia has however remained silent about Australia's LGBT initiatives which will target Malaysia and other countries in the region. Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong said recently: 

“In the coming months, I have asked our Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to consult across our region and our community to identify the areas in which we are best equipped to make a difference."

Wong is openly gay,and when she speaks of "our community" she speaks for herself as well. 

Wong met Anwar Ibrahim around the time she announced her government's LGBT intervention in countries in this region, but Anwar has said nothing about registering any protest with regards that interference in Malaysian politics.


Australia's Dept Of Foreign Affairs & Trade will speak with LGBTQI communities in Southeast Asia, Pacific to identify areas in which Australia can provide financial and other support -Singapore has already warned the US Embassy Singapore that that would be considered interference in domestic politics

by Ganesh Sahathevan  

    Pink Dot Singapore may be a beneficiary of the millions Australia's Penny Wong has promised          members of "our community" in this region

The Mandarin reported on Thursday 2 March 2023, quoting Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong : 

“In the coming months, I have asked our Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to consult across our region and our community to identify the areas in which we are best equipped to make a difference."

Even Singapore , let alone Muslim majority Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, is likely to see Wong's move  as interference in domestic politics

As Reuters reported in May 2021:

Socially-conservative Singapore on Wednesday said it "noted with regret" that the U.S. embassy in the city-state had co-hosted a webinar with a local LGBT support group earlier this week.

Multi-ethnic Singapore has strict laws regulating public assembly. Foreigners are prohibited from participating in events dealing with a political cause.

"Ministry of foreign affairs has reminded the U.S. Embassy that foreign missions here are not to interfere in our domestic social and political matters, including issues such as how sexual orientation should be dealt with in public policy," it said in a statement.

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