Monday, February 6, 2023

The UK confronted its colonial past in Malaysia in 1988 with a USD1.95 Billion arms deal, a contract to construct the Pergau Dam, and other deals which were concluded when Penny Wong was at uni, playing undergraduate politics -The AUKUS scaffolding that Wong is said to be crafting by demanding that the UK confront its colonial history was built on those deals, and others like it built on networks that go back 200 years

 February 06, 2023

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


                   Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Penny Wong family owe much to Shell plc.The oil business has driven the economies of all three states.

In 1981 Mahathir Mohamad became a prime minister of Malaysia for the first time. One of his first decisions was to order that the existing preferential trade arrangements between the UK and Malaysia be terminated, and that Malaysia look to Japan instead for trade, technology, education  and cultural exchanges. That was the beginning of Malaysia's Look East Policy, which remains to this day.  Some described the policy as a "put British last" policy. 

The decision was not an easy to implement given the very deep ties that had developed between Malaysia and the UK, often at a personal level, over a period of 200 or so years on British rule. By 1988 Mahathir softened his anti-UK policies, and marked it with an order for USD 1.95 billion in arms.

The deal followed an official visit to Malaysia by then UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher, and involved Thatcher signing a memorandum of understanding authorizing British aid to the Pergau Dam project near the Malaysia-Thailand border.   Allegation of corruption arose later, in 1993, and Malaysia cancelled the arms deal, adding one more layer of complexity to the relationship between the two countries. 

 The Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who wants the UK to confront its colonial history, was 20 years old at the time, and reported to be an active student politician. 

Meanwhile "Malaysia views the Five Power Defence Agreement  as a “safety net” should events outside the capability of the Malaysian Armed Forces  occur. Besides Malaysia, the other FPDA members are Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and United Kingdom. The FPDA is the only multilateral defence cooperation which Malaysia has been a member of since 1971. Although it remains untested at war or conflict, the FPDA is an effective conflict management tool and has contributed towards MAF’s development and enhancement of its professionalism".

The UK has similar strong defense and trade ties with its other colonies in SouthEast Asia, Singapore and Brunei. It is these ties that enable AUKUS, a fact that should be obvious to anyone with even a limited understanding of China's intrusion into the South China Sea. 

There is no need for any new scaffolding, and certainly not one crafted by a politician playing undergraduate politics (or worse and geopolitical strategists who seem unaware of the history of this region.


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