Monday, February 6, 2023

Singapore made no commitment to Australia's Sun Cable - Albanese's Sun Cable fantasy addressed in Singapore Parliament by Trade Minister Gan Kim Yong

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

CNA has reported: 

Singapore has not made any commitment to Sun Cable's flagship solar energy project and therefore bears no financial impact from the company's recent decision to enter into voluntary administration, said Trade and Industry Minister Gan Kim Yong on Monday (Feb 6).

In a written parliamentary reply, Mr Gan said there are abundant renewable energy resources in the region and beyond, and "considerable interest" from companies to bring electricity into Singapore.

The Energy Market Authority (EMA) received more than 20 proposals for its ongoing Requests for Proposals exercise, with Sun Cable’s proposal being one of them.

"As part of the tender process, EMA has been clarifying our technical requirements with Sun Cable. However, Singapore has not made any commitment, financial or otherwise, into the Sun Cable project," Mr Gan said.

"Singapore therefore bears no financial impact from the recent actions taken by Sun Cable to enter into voluntary administration."


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

PM Albanese of Australia told PM Lee of Singapore that Sun Cable " is the ultimate win-win" just 3 months before Sun Cable collapsed - Australian media has never been shy to investigate and criticise Asian politicians and their fantasy projects, must now do the same to the their own Prime Minister who has misled Australians and Singaporeans

by Ganesh Sahathevan  

    Albanese tweeting a family photo with the Lees

At a press conference in Canberra on 18 October 2022  Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister Of Australia, told Lee Hsien Loong,Prime Minister Of Singapore

.............Sun Cable, which has the potential to export clean energy to Singapore, is the ultimate win-win. If this project can be made to work - and I believe it can be - you will see the world's largest solar farm, you will see the export of energy across distances, the production of many jobs here in Australia, including manufacturing jobs. And the prospect of Sun Cable is just one part of what I talk about when I say Australia can be a renewable energy superpower for the world.

Just under three months later the project collapsed, for some very obvious reasons( see story below). 

Australian media has never been shy to investigate and criticise Asian politicians and their fantasy projects. The Bakun Dam project promoted by then Prime Minister Of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad which was meant to transmit hydropower across the South China Sea is one eerily similar example.

Australian media must now do the same to the their own Prime Minister who has misled Australians and Singaporeans.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Albanese's Sun Cable fantasy collapses - Albo must now explain why he misled Australians, and Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


Albanese has used his position to promote Sun Cable, in Australia and overseas, despite Sun Cable having no power supply agreement with the Government Of Singapore.

A dispute between Mike Canon- Brookes  and Twiggy Forrest is said to have been the reason why Sun Cable has been put into administration.  The ABC is reporting that there are " disagreements about the funding and direction of the company......these included the significant amounts of cash that Sun Cable was spending, and its failure to achieve certain milestones".

As reported by this writer Sun Cable, Prime Minister Albanese of Australia, and the Chief Minister of The Northern Territory, Natahsa Fyles, all claimed that Sun Cable would supply Singapore with solar power from a solar bank in the Northern Territory, when in fact no agreement had been reached with the Government Of Singapore.

All three, but in particular Albanese and Fyles, must now explain why they misled Australians, and account for all any government resources provided the project.

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