Wednesday, January 18, 2023

"Whale" co-author Bradley Hope describes circumstances in China which suggest the elimination of Jho Low and family would be in China, and perhaps Malaysia's national interest

 by  Ganesh Sahathevan 

                                                         Joh Low claimed he had inherited
                                                         the money stolen from 1MBD

Surin Murgaiah of The Edge has reported, quoting Bradley Hope: 

“What we know from our reporting is that during (Jho Low) began to get closer with the Chinese state intelligence service, especially a man called Sun Lijun.

“In the years afterward, it emerged that [Jho Low) single-handedly negotiated one of the greatest mortgages of sovereignty in the modern age,” he said.

“ (When Najib lost the 2018 election Jho Low)  wasn't useful anymore, but his arrest would be a risk to China's reputation because who knows what (Jho Low] learned over the years working with the intelligence apparatus and any other funny deals he cooked up.

“Meanwhile, [Jho Low's) protectors started getting into serious trouble. Sun Lijun, his patron, was convicted for corruption,” he said.

Hope argued that China is at the point where it could argue that Jho Low and a rogue intelligence agent, Sun, worked for their own corrupt goals and without permission from the Party.

He said the Party, it could argue, has now completed its  investigations and is ready to hand Jho Low over and his assets to Malaysia.

Hope said China is going to want assurances that any besmirching of the Belt and Road Initiative stop (no matter how much the US pushes Malaysia to talk about it), as well as for Jho Low to keep his mouth shut about his spy work and dealings with the rich and powerful in China.

“I would imagine they would want Malaysia to lock him up and keep him far away from any FBI agents still investigating the case.

“Of course, there are many moving parts to this and things I don't know. But I have a feeling, backed up by some murmurs and whispers from connected sources.

“Therefore, I put the odds at 6/10. If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said 1/10,” he said.

Anyone familiar with business in Asia, and especially China and Malaysia would understand when this writer says that given Hope's analysis, it  would be more practical for all concerned to have Jho Low, and his family, assassinated. After all, officially, their whereabouts are supposed to be unknown. Asian and Malaysian business history includes the murder of people who knew less, for example  Jalil Ibrahim. Unlike the Lows, Jalil did not have assets that could be taken over upon death. 


See Also 

5. Abdul Jalil bin Ibrahim, juruadit dari Bank Negara, 1985

Sepertimana yang dinyatakan tadi, anugerah S.P tak semestinya khusus kepada para perajurit berani kita. Kes skandal Bank Bumiputera Finance (BMF) dikesan selepas kematian pegawai juruadit dari Bank Negara bernama Abdul Jalil bin Ibrahim. Wajah dan pengorbanannya haruslah kita ingati sepertimana kita semadikan Tony Stark dalam ingatan millenial.

Selepas beberapa kejadian pelik melibatkan wang negara khususnya berkaitan dengan anak syarikat Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad (BBMB) iaitu Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) yang dipusatkan di Hong Kong, Abdul Jalil tahu dia perlu hentikan perkara tersebut.

Potret Allahyarham Abdul Jalil bin Ibrahim, ‘whistleblower’ skandal BMF dulu. Via

Sebagai anak Melayu yang berjati diri, keengganannya berpihak pada syarikat yang tak berintegriti wajar dipuji. Dia sempat serahkan laporan auditnya ke atas BMF di Hong Kong kepada Bank Negara. Selain itu, dia juga sempat mengarahkan agar pinjaman yang dipinta oleh pihak Carrian Group (lagi satu pihak yang terlibat dalam skandal tersebut) tak diluluskan. Esok harinya, mayatnya ditemui di sebuah kebun pisang dan suspeknya Mak Foon Than ditahan polis. Itupun tak mengaku bahawa dia yang bunuh.

Dikatakan dia dibunuh ketika sedang menulis surat kepada isterinya untuk menjelaskan gangguan ‘orang berpengaruh’ ke atas dirinya. Mayatnya ditemui di sebuah kebun pisang di Hong Kong. Via

Hasilnya, pegawai tinggi BBMB berjaya ditahan selepas cubaan mereka untuk terus melesapkan diri tak berjaya. Kes pembunuhan Jalil dianggap oleh media pada masa itu sebagai kes berprofil tinggi sehingga berjaya menekan pihak kerajaan dengan lebih kuat supaya wujudnya siasatan ke atas pengurusan anak syarikat BBMB. Pada 1985, anugerah pingat S.P juga diberikan pada Abdul Jalil secara posthumous.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Did Singapore let Jho Low's sister Low May Lin escape the country

by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Larry Low and family, including Jho, and their attempts to derail the US DOJ's seizure of "their assets" is revealing a lot.

Of special interest to this writer at this point of time is Larry's eldest daughter, Low May Lin.
It appears that Ms Low might well be the planner of the Low family's complex network of companies;a lawyer who specialises in offshore structures and who was admitted to practise in Singapore and the British Virgin Islands.

Emails to her and one Michael McNeil, who appears to be a husband and/or business partner, to resolve this seeming discrepancy where McNeil ,and not Low ,is listed as the sole solicitor of the practise in Singapore,have not got a response.

1 solicitor at Alliance Law Pte Ltd

Michael Mcneill Ward

Solicitor Admitted as a solicitor: 02/03/92SRA ID:153852SRA Regulated

Tel:62484775Email:m2mcneill@yahoo.comhideDirector at:Alliance Law Pte Ltd
80 Raffles Place,
#36-00 Uob Plaza 1,
View in Google Maps

Equally intriguing is this record from the Singapore Attorney General's Office which seems to suggest that Michael McNeil runs Alliance Law while running his own practise, McNeil Legal.

There has been speculation for sometime in Malaysia that Singapore authorities had in fact apprehended Ms Low, but then let her go.The reasons are equally speculative, but her mother's maiden name, Goh Gaik Ewe, does raise the raise the question of whether the Lows Singapore connections are far deeper than many have realized. Her name does suggest that she is a Peranakan ,and possibly of the famous Goh clan, even if she has been reduced to managing a small travel agency.One presumes of course that this  was the source of family income before the Lows "inherited" tens of billions. 

Admiral Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.

Company & Membership Info

Membership NoMA0632Company No243314-WKPL No.2414 (Inbound)

Company Contact Details

(604) 2636 394
2-7-10 Harbour Trade Centre Gat Lebuh Macallum Georgetown 10300, Penang Malaysia

Company Administrative Contact

Esther G L Goh
Executive Director

Official Representative

Goh Geik Lin

Alternate Representative

Goh Gaik Ewe


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