Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Malaysian born MP Sam Lim granted the honour of being seated next to Ambassador Xiao Qian at Australia-China Friendship Association 2022 National Conference

Sam Lim, second from right, Amb Xiao Qian, third from right

Newly elected MP for Tangney, Sam Lim, continues to grow in stature, seen above seated next to the Ambassador from China, Xiao Qian at the Australia-China Friendship Association 2022 National Conference. WA Premier Mark McGowan was also in the crowd.


Ambassador Xiao Qian attended the 2022 National Conference of the Australia-China Friendship Association at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre and delivered a speech
2022-06-12 12:43

On June 11, Ambassador Xiao Qian was invited to attend the 2022 National Conference of the Australia-China Friendship Association in Perth and delivered a speech entitled "Looking Back at the Past, Looking to the Future, and Creating a New Situation in China-Australia Relations". Matthews, President of the Australia-China Friendship Association, and Governor of Western Australia, McGowan, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Lin Songtian, President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, delivered a video online speech. Long Dingbin, the Chinese Consul General in Perth, and representatives from all walks of life in Australia attended the meeting. More than 200 people participated.

Ambassador Xiao expressed his gratitude to the Australia-China Friendship Association for its contribution to enhancing mutual understanding between the two peoples and promoting and developing China-Australia friendly cooperation since its establishment. The main force role played is appreciated.

Ambassador Xiao pointed out that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. Looking back on the past, the two countries have respected each other politically, sought common ground while reserving differences, complemented each other's strengths and promoted development together in economy, exchanged and learned from each other in the field of people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and maintained close communication and mutual support in regional and international affairs. Story, mutual benefit and win-win results have always been the main line of bilateral relations. Over the past 50 years, China has always viewed and developed China-Australia relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and is committed to conducting friendly exchanges and cooperation with the Australian side for mutual benefit and win-win results.

Ambassador Xiao emphasized that at present, China-Australia relations are at a new development juncture and face some challenges, but there are also huge opportunities to jointly promote economic growth, development and transformation, diversity and inclusiveness, and international governance. The healthy and stable development of China-Australia relations is in line with the fundamental interests and common aspirations of the two peoples, and is also conducive to peace, stability, development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. As long as both sides grasp the right direction of development, uphold the principles of mutual respect, mutual benefit and win-win results, strengthen dialogue and communication, and properly handle differences, China-Australia relations will surely usher in a brighter future.

Ambassador Xiao said that the friendship between the two countries lies in the friendship between the two peoples, and the friendship between the two peoples is the foundation of the relationship between the two countries. It is hoped that the Australia-China Friendship Association will continue its past and forge ahead, innovate and develop, and make efforts and contributions to the cause of China-Australia friendship. It is hoped that Western Australia will continue to play the role of the main force in China-Australia exchanges and cooperation, and promote stable and long-term cooperation between the two countries in various fields. The Chinese embassy and consulate in Australia is willing to work with the Australian federal government, local governments and friends from all walks of life to promote the development of China-Australia relations in the right direction and benefit the two countries and peoples.

President Matthews said that today we gather at the 2022 National Conference of the Australia-China Friendship Association to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and China. Over the past 50 years, the two countries have achieved fruitful cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, culture, science and technology, and education, bringing tangible benefits to both sides. Australia and China should continue to strengthen friendly exchanges to bring greater benefits to the two peoples. The Australia-China Friendship Association will always be committed to deepening the exchanges and friendship between the people of the two countries and promoting the development of Australia-China relations with practical actions.

Governor McGowan said that 50 years ago, the older generation of politicians from Australia and China promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries with excellent strategic vision and firm political courage. Since then, Australia-China relations have achieved leapfrog development with fruitful practical results. Over the years, China has always been Western Australia's largest trading partner and largest export market. Western Australia is also a fertile ground for Chinese companies to invest in Australia. model. Looking forward to the future, Western Australia will, as always, be committed to actively developing friendly relations with China, deepening practical cooperation with China, and striving to push bilateral relations forward. I will also play an active role in this, and I am willing to visit China again as soon as possible.

Chairman Lin Songtian said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia 50 years ago, under the strategic guidance of leaders of both sides, the two countries have maintained frequent exchange of visits and communication, and the economic, trade, cultural and local cooperation has yielded fruitful results, bringing great benefits to their respective peoples. China is willing to share development opportunities and dividends with Australia and other countries in the world, comprehensively deepen cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and mutual learning, so as to jointly maintain peace, stability, development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. All China Friendship Association is willing to work with people from all walks of life in China and Australia to deepen cultural exchanges between the two countries, sister city partnership and friendship association cooperation, and actively carry out tripartite cooperation in island countries and regions. new contribution.

Before the start of the conference, a short film commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia was played on the big screen of the venue. That night, the Australia-China Friendship Association held a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and China. Ambassador Xiao Qian delivered a speech via video.

Founded in 1951, the Australia-China Friendship Association is a non-profit non-governmental organization registered in Australia. It has branches in 6 states and 2 territories in Australia. It is committed to enhancing the friendship between the Chinese and Australian people and developing friendly relations between the two countries.

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Commonwealth of Australia
Address: 15 Coronation Drive, Yarralumla, ACT 2600
Tel: 0061-2-6228 3999 Fax: 0061-2-6228 3836
Email: chinaemb_au@mfa.gov.cn

Copyright Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Commonwealth of Australia

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