Thursday, April 28, 2022

Sydney ‘strategic cycle corridors’ may prove to be as useless and disruptive as the Epping Road bike corridor

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The SMH has reported that the NSW Government has formulated a new bicycle corridor plan.

Absent from the plan is any attempt to address the disruption caused and lack of use of the Epping Road bicycle lane which was created by narrowing Epping Road at the Pacific Highway exit. The then Labour Government insisted that it was part of the campaign to fight global warming,  but most could see that it was an attempt to force traffic into the Lane Cove Tunnel, a project that failed despite that strategy. 

Meanwhile traffic along what was once a good six lane highway has been slowed to a crawl especially  during peak hours. 

How or why bicycle corridors in other parts of Sydney will do better is hard to see. 

The new plan will incorporate e-scooters but how these will co-exist alongside bicycles has not been explained.


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