Friday, March 4, 2022

AG's Chambers ,Nevin Tan and Tan Sri Vincent Tan : Association with Malaysian AGs going back to Mohtar Abdullah, 2006 RCI into judicial interference sufficient grounds to have Nevin's charges reviewed , and to call another RCI into Vincent's links to the Malaysian judicial system

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                          L-R: VK Lingam, Mohthar Abdullah, Vincent Tan and others

As previously reported on this blog Tan Sri Vincent Tan son's drug charges cannot be divorced from 2006 Royal Commission which found Tan Sri Vincent had interfered with the judiciary. Neither can it be divorced from the Vincent -VK Lingam defamation cases of the 90s.

The issue of Vincent's son Nevin and the charges against him involve the Malaysian Attorney General's Chambers and as a result past instances where Vincent Tan has been seen to have associated himself with Malaysia's Attorneys Generals are relevant to matter of Nevin Tan. 

As Malaysiakini noted in 2012 these associations are not without consequence: 

During the conversation, the late minister told him that the then AG - the late Mohtar Abdullah - was quite angry with Anwar (Ibrahim) for exposing the photo of him and his wife taken together with tycoon Vincent Tan and senior lawyer VK Lingam and their spouses during their group vacation in Spain and Italy.

eusoff chin and vk lingam 210606 italy with vincent tan"The late minister did not say whether the photo ( right ) expose had anything to do with what happened in the black-eye investigation or any other investigations on Anwar, but it was a fact Mohtar's relationship with Anwar was affected," he said.

The photo which made the rounds in the public domain was also brought up during the Lingam RCI in 2007.

These associations with judges and attorneys general are entrenched, and the case of Nevin Tan has again raised the suspicion that the judiciary and AG's Chambers are being improperly influenced, and are not impartial. These are sufficient grounds to have Nevin's charges reviewed , and to call another RCI into Vincent's links to the Malaysian judicial system.  


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