Sunday, January 23, 2022

Top Education Group's share price falls to historic low of HK 0.15 - Top's law school has not enrolled new students since 2019 but regulator NSW LPAB, led by the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst ,maintains silence

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The late Zhu Minshen's Top Education Group Ltd's share price has fallen to its historic low of HK0.15.

Top Group's law school has not been enrolling new students since mid-2019. The law school and its business school are its two main businesses, so Top is in fact running on just one lung. 

The situation has deteriorated since March last year ( see story below)  but the regulator of the law school arm of the business, the NSW LPAB and its chairman, the Chief Justice NSW Tom Bathurst, have maintained silence.


Top Group's share price sinks to new low, taking with it the NSW LPAB & its chairman Tom Bathurst's standing as guardians of the NSW legal profession : Bathurst should stand down as chief justice, submit himself and his NSW LPAB to investigation; time overdue for Andrew Bell to be appointed Acting Chief Justice NSW

 by Ganesh Sahathevan-March 19, 2021 


This story below was published on a related blog yesterday:

Zhu Minshen's Top Education Group sinks to new low of HK 0.22 cents: Top will not comment on suspension of law school enrolments because it might be price sensitive'

Meanwhile, the regulator responsible for granting the law school its right to issue law degrees, the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board (NSW LPAB) and all others who oversee it have chosen to remain silent about these issues which are very much in the public domain:

Top Group(1752:HK) IPO investors entitled to answers from the NSW LPAB & NSW AG Mark Speakman -Suspension of Top Group law school enrolments raises questions about the value of the IPO which relied on NSW LPAB & Speakman's granting Top Group its license to issue law degrees

The issuance of that license to award  law degrees, and the IPO that followed would have raised red flags from Sydney to Hong Kong, but not it seems for Bathurst and his NSW LPAB officers, who renewed the license just before enrolments were suspended, and despite other issues: 

Zhu Minshen announces that NSW LPAB review "went smoothly": AG NSW Mark Speakman and officers unconcerned by Clive Hamilton's disclosures of threats, intimidation and defiance of AFP directives ,share price collapse

For all of the above  reasons and more Mr Bathurst needs to stand down as Chief Justice of NSW and submit himself and his team at the NSW LPAB to investigation. The President Of the Court Of Appeal, Andrew Bell, can be appointed as Acting Chief Justice:

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