Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Australian state Health Minister implies that two doses of COVID vaccine cannot "keep people safe"- Minister Hazzard of NSW says the "bottom line" is a THREE dose regime to keep his near fully vaxxed state safe

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Reported in the SMH: 

  • As Mary Ward reports, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said today that “the number of boosters are not what they need to be to keep people safe – that’s the bottom line”. NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant asked anyone who was over the age of 65 or had a chronic underlying health condition to make urgent plans to receive a booster shot if they had not already, as well as people who come into contact with these groups. At present, 36.2 per cent of eligible adults, including immunocompromised people who are also eligible for a fourth dose, have received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in NSW.

Despite his strong words the Minister will not change the definition of fully vaccinated to mean three instead of the current two shots. NSW's double vaccinated rate for its over 16 population in 93.9%.


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