Saturday, January 15, 2022

Australian Govt boasts its people are the most highly vaccinated in the world but fears that Novak Djokovic's presence will cause Australians " to act inconsistently" with its vaccination & booster policies

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Morrison expressing solidarity with his people 

The following is an extract from the Notice of Filing filed on 15 January 2022 by Novak Djokovic in the matter of NOVAK DJOKOVIC v MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION, CITIZENSHIP, MIGRANT SERVICES AND MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS

14. In the same way, the Minister found in relation to good order that having regard to, inter alia, his “publicly stated views as well as his unvaccinated status,” his presence in Australia may pose a risk to the good order of the Australian community (D [33]) in that: 

(a) it might encourage people to act inconsistently with public health advice and policies in Australia, including but not limited to, becoming vaccinated against COVID-19 or receiving a booster vaccine (D [33]); 

(b) it may lead to “an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community,” potentially leading to unrest (D [34])

Meanwhile just two weeks ago Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison declared: 

The Australian Government and Morrison's fear of Jokovic is not consistent with its confidence expressed just two weeks ago. It is worth noting that Australians must give written consent in order to be vaccinated.


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