Sunday, December 12, 2021

Najib Razak & Sam Goi-Ah Jib Gor signals to Malaysisa's Chinese voters that he has the backing of Singapore

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak seems to have gone out of his way to demonstrate publicly  his disregard for the conditions under which a Malaysian court granted him permission to travel to Singapore, to meet his new grandchild.

The photo above, posted on his Facebook page is clearly not a mere sharing of holiday photos, and the other person in the photo is not an ordinary man.

Sam Goi otherwise known as the Popiah King, is one of Singapore's richest people. When his son passed away ministers Heng Swee Keat, Vivian Balakrishnan, Masagos Zulkifli, Josephine Teo, and former foreign minister George Yeo attended the wake. That alone should tell even casual observers that Goi is no mere popiah man. 

Given Goi's standing in Singapore Najib seems to have posted the photo above with the intention of impressing upon Malaysian Chinese voters that he still has the backing of  Singapore's business and political community. The Chinese vote is important to Najib; witness his  Ah Jib Gor campaign. 

Additionally,  that  Goi met with Najib, and that he was willing to be photographed with Najib despite Najib's 1MDB issues, which involve Singapore, the United States, and Malaysia suggests that Goi  has been assured that being seen with Najib ,and discussing business with Najib, would not be detrimental to his vast international business interests. 


Ini pun jadi isu?
Tak kan saya bersama cucu 24 jam setiap hari selama tempoh 6 hari saya berada di Singapura?
Individu dalam gambar ini ialah Encik Sam Goi yang juga terkenal sebagai "Popiah King" Singapura.
Encik Sam kini berada di tempat ke-23 dalam senarai Forbes paling kaya di Singapura dengan kekayaan US$1.7 bilion.
(Ya, kereta Rolls-Royce itu adalah milik dia)
Dia juga telah melabur di Malaysia dan kini memiliki projek Resort Sutera Harbour di Sabah.
Encik Sam kata dia adalah peminat dasar-dasar ekonomi dan pembangunan saya semasa saya PM dan minta untuk diperkenalkan dengan saya.
Masa kita bertemu, dia banyak meminta pandangan saya tentang hala tuju pembangunan dan ekonomi negara sebab dia ingin lebih melabur di Malaysia.
Adakah ianya salah bagi saya untuk gunakan masa peribadi saya untuk beri pandangan saya kepada pelabur asing yang ingin melabur ke Malaysia biarpun saya bukan PM lagi dan bukan Menteri?

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