Saturday, October 9, 2021

Pfizer's secret demand for AUD 240 Million upfront from Morrison Govt for COVID vaccine raises even more US FCPA, UK Bribery Act issues

by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The Advertiser  and related publications have reported today that Pfizer demanded a secret upfront payment  of an estimated AUD 240 Million from the Morrison Government  for 10 million doses of its COVID vaccine.

The revelations add to concerns that US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and UK Bribery Act provisions may have been breached in the supply of Pfizer COVID vaccines to Australia. 

As reported below, the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and other leaders reliance on emergency law and emergency type public health orders to coerce Australians into having themselves vaccinated raises concerns that   public health is not their primary motivation. 


Monday, September 13, 2021

Australian political leaders' threats of loss of freedom against anyone who questions their COVID vaccines add to FCPA UK Bribery Act issues

 by  Ganesh Sahathevan 

Australia's political leaders, including the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and his state counterparts, have continued to to stonewall questions about vaccine efficacy, vaccine failure, and side effects.Morrison has gone so far as to make false claims about vaccine efficacy. 

Instead they have now started to threaten their own citizens with a permanent loss of freedom if they refuse to get vaccinated in accordance with government mandated timetables. 

However, even between themselves there is disagreement over vaccine efficacy. For example the Premier Of Western Australia, Mark McGowan will not accept vaccinated persons from other states for fear that they might be infectious. 

Meanwhile the Premier of NSW continues to fear the unvaccinated, despite proudly advertising the fact of her two AZ jabs. 

All of the above adds to suspicion that the Australian Government and its leaders have engaged in conduct that may be in breach of US  FCPA and UK Bribery Act provisions in their haste to acquire COVID vaccines. 


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