Sunday, September 12, 2021

Gladys Berejiklian may have let slip that the COVID vaccinated have blindly accepted UNKNOWN risks from their COVID vaccines: Berejiklian's "hard work" has been understood in Singapore to mean accepting the UNKNOWN risks that come with any new vaccine, in exchange for "freedoms"

 by Ganesh Sahathevan

Gladys Berejiklian made an unexpected appearance on TV this morning to warn the unvaccinated: 

"I don't want people to think they can sit back, let everybody else do the hard work and then turn up when it's 80 per cent and get everything else that vaccinated people are. That's not the right message," she said.

"I want to say it clearly – that if you're not vaccinated, you will not have the freedom or the freedoms that vaccinated people have even when we get to 80 per cent double doseimage.gif.

Berejiklian's reference to hard work is reminiscent of a similar argument in Singapore, where the vaccinated say they should be rewarded for the sacrifice that they have made. The claim intrigued this writer,  who inquired further what the sacrifice might be.  The frank and brutal response was this: the vaccinated know that any new vaccine comes with risks, and so it follows that there must be compensation for taking on that risk. These are unknown risks, quite apart from the well known side-effects. 

Berejiklian appears to have now contradicted the official position : that the COVID vaccines are safe,, and the risk miniscule.   The vaccinated have been warned, even if by an increasingly erratic state premier. 

The vaccinated are also reminded that Berejiklian and her Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, have refused to provide information about the vaccine that in necessary to provide any sort of informed consent to being vaccinated. 



WA Premier Mark McGowan considers NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian COVID unclean, despite Berejiklian's brahminic/rabbinic attitude to the unvaccinated : MccGowan does not believe that Berejiklians' AZ vaccine will make her (and other vaccinated) not contagious

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