Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Australian vaccine passports can be used to identify and track down vaccinated persons who infect the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated-Morrison's vaccine passport simplifies task of claiming compensation from those who falsely claim that they are no longer a public health risk

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

                              Victor Dominello MP
                              I definitely welcome the news of a vaccine passport.

NSW's Minister for Digital Victor Dominello has  begun to advertise the use of vaccine passports, an initiative flagged by Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Morrison has refused to say anything about  statements from the US Centre For Disease Control which has warned that vaccinated persons continue to be a public health risk, and can infect both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. 

The Australian vaccine passport is a means by which vaccinated persons can be identified and then  used with other data  to track them down, when they  infect the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated.  

The Morrison government, and proponents of special privileges for vaccinated persons claim that vaccinated persons ensure that the community is safe from COVID infection. That assertion is leading to a false perception which can endanger both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.

Those infected as a result of placing reliance on this false premise may well have rights to compensation from the vaccinated persons spreaders, and the Morrison government. 


Saturday, July 31, 2021

Australian PM Scott Morrison says unvaccinated Australians stranded overseas are "a public health risk", and wants foreign governments to continue looking after them

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday 30 July 2021:

So, if you get vaccinated, there will be special rules that’ll apply to you. Why, because if you’re vaccinated, you present less of a public health risk. You are less likely to get the virus. You are less likely to transmit it. You are less likely to get a serious illness and be hospitalised, and you are less likely to die. And so, that principle of easing restrictions on vaccinated residents, details of which are still to be worked through, is an important one that has been agreed in principle tonight.

We will restore in-bound passenger caps at previous levels for unvaccinated returning travellers and larger caps for vaccinated returning travellers coming to Australia once we hit Phase B. So, that’s Australians returning.

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