Sunday, July 18, 2021

Unlike Singapore, NSW has never reported a COVID contagion from its numerous licensed & unlicensed brothels, Thai massage and sports rehab shops- Unless COVID safe delivery of goods and services in these businesses actually worked, outbreaks must have occurred, but concealed by NSW Health & the Berejiklian Govt

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

 Unlike Singapore,NSW has never suffered a COVID outbreak from any of its numerous sex service businesses 

Al-Jazeera and others have reported:

Singapore, which has managed to keep COVID-19 in check in much of the community for months, has reported the biggest jump in domestically transmitted cases in 10 months after an outbreak traced to a karaoke lounge (KTV), which was supposed to have been operating as a food and beverage outlet.

The nation reported 56 cases on Wednesday with 42 linked to the karaoke cluster, the health ministry said.

That number has since risen to above 200.

Meanwhile in the State of New South Wales, Australia, where brothels have been able to operate like any other business since 1995, there has never ever been a COVID outbreak linked to any brothel or sex service provider, ever. 

Sex services premises have been decriminalised, and have been able to operate like any other legitimate business in NSW for since 1995. There are sex services premises of one form or another in every local government area in NSW. The industry is regulated by local councils (planning and location controls, environmental health), WorkCover NSW (occupational health and safety) and NSW Health (public health).

Sex services premises include:

  • Commercial sex services premises (brothels)
  • Massage parlours providing sex services, such as hand relief
  • Private Sex Workers working from residential premises

Sex services are also provided in most suburbs and even in the CBD under a number of different guises, including "sports massage" and "therapeutic massage". When the state lifted WuhanCovid restrcitions in 2020 sex services were, like all other businesses, required to provide COVID safety plans, which had to include details of how goods and services would be delivered in a safe way.

How safe delivery of services was even possible in the conduct of sex businesses is left to the readers imagination, but the NSW Government headed by Premier Gladys Berejiklian was satisfied that these types of businesses also could operate in a COVID safe way.

The Singapore experience shows, as common sense suggests, that sex or sex related work cannot be delivered in a COVID safe way.

It is more likely that workers in the sex industry who showed symptoms simply did not get tested, or that their infections were simply overlooked. The question then is whether the Berejiklian Government, which cannot but be aware of the danger, simply suppressed the numbers. It might well be that Berejiklian and her government are simply reporting now what should have been reported last year, r if not attributable to past events. but chose not to in order to give the impression that  their lockdowns were responsible for driving down WuhanCovid numbers.

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