Saturday, July 10, 2021

Gladys Berejiklian's own data suggests that there may be more than one "Patient Zero"-Is Bondi limo driver who has been cleared of any wrongdoing being scapegoated for NSW Health failures

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Their GIS analysis is based on NSW Health and ABS data. The image above presents COVID hotspots throughout the state.

There is no doubt that a large Bondi cluster exists.  The NSW Government has declared that the cluster began with a limousine driver, but he  has  been found to have not breached any COVID regulations.  Berejiklian and NSW's Chief Medical officer Kerry Chant however insist that guided by the data, modelling and science, the person is in fact Patient Zero.

If he is, then basic GIS kriging would suggest that the number and intensity of COVID hotspots would be greatest around Bondi, and then taper off the further one gets from Bondi. The map above however suggests that this is not the case. There appear to be a number of hotspots, including one very prominent one in the inner west.

The data then suggests that there is no one Patient Zero, but that there have been outbreaks throughout the state, the source of which has not been made clear. Berejiklian and Chant need to  come clean, the analysis above is based on their data. 


Saturday, July 10, 2021

NSW COVID virus spread in 2020 was more rapid than current outbreak -Glady Berejiklian's own numbers says so

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


Their GIS analysis is based on NSW Health and ABS data. The graph above shows that the current rate of increase in total umber of cases is not as steep as it was in March last year.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian however insists that the current contagion is nothing like she has ever seen before.

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