Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Australian High Commission in KL blocks access to information on its Twitter account- High Commissioner Goledzinowski & D(a)FT staff pursue personal agendas at Australian taxpayers expense, and now trying to conceal their activities

 by Ganesh Sahathevan

The above was encountered by this writer after posting the story and comments below on the Australian High Commission Kuala Lumpur Twitter account. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Championing "true Islam", the Australian Govt finds itself in opposition to Putrajaya & Sultan Of Johor's opposition to non-Muslim use of the word "Allah"

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

The Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia, Andrew Goledzinowski, tweeted his approval of the High Court's decision in the "Allah" matter. His  response remains, despite the Malaysian Government , strongly backed by the Sultan of Johor,  announcing that it will appeal the decision. The High Commissioner's response is indicative of the the thinking of the Australian Government and its public servants who believe that they have a superior understanding of "true Islam" .





Australia and its High Commissioner attempt to impose Australian LGBT norms on Malaysia, critical of Malaysia's sharia law: unclear how his intervention serves Australia's interests

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