by Ganesh Sahathevan
Meanwhile ....................
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
“perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications": Why the Law Soc Australia & NSW LPAB's business with Zhu Minshen is a matter of national security
by Ganesh Sahathevan

NSW Libs received donations of $44,275 from TOP Education Grosup
The progressive Left leaning Sydney Morning Herald reported in August this year:
Chinese international students now dominate campus politics at the University of Sydney, which has long been a breeding ground for political luminaries including Gough Whitlam, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
Today, the presidencies of the student representative council (SRC) and the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) are both held by candidates from Chinese international student blocs as are about half of the elected positions on student union boards
As recently as 2015, international students were scarcely involved in campus politics but that changed in 2016 with the election of Yifan "Koko" Kong, the first Chinese international student to win a seat on the student union board.
That ended the lock domestic students aligned with Labor, the Liberals and the Greens have held on campus for decades.
In blunt terms a bastion of whiteness has fallen swiftly. The fall can be attributed to a Vice Chancellor who was determined to see his university become more "diverse".
Meanwhile, the Law Council Australia and the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board, which is chaired by the Chief Justice Of NSW, Tom Bathurst, made history by authorising a private company to grant law degrees; that company happens to be listed in Hong Kong and has strong links to the Communist Party Of China.As reported by this writer:
Zhu Minshen's new Chinese website says the Law Council of Australia "officially approved" Top Education Institute's application to issue law degrees
Zhu's teaching methods are unique. In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised students , including students from his Top Education Institute to protest against Tibetans at the 2008 Olympic Torch rally, which counted towards the Top students’ assessment.As he puts it, Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”
Zhu's law school will soon be producing LLB graduates who will qualify for admission to practise law in NSW and in Australia. As members of the various law societies they can, like the Chinese students at Sydney University gather sufficient support to control the leadership of those societies.
The conduct of the Law Council Australia and the NSW LPAB in the matter of Zhu Minshen has obvious national security implications that require immediate investigation. The recent introduction of foreign interference laws makes that requirement mandatory, if the objectives of those laws are to be achieved.
Australia's decision to allow a Communist Party China linked school to produce lawyers who can practise in Australian courts is a world first: Scrutiny of senior judicial officers under Australia's foreign interference rules unavoidable, as would be scrutiny by agencies in the US,UK
NSW Libs received donations of $44,275 from TOP Education Grosup
The progressive Left leaning Sydney Morning Herald reported in August this year:
Chinese international students now dominate campus politics at the University of Sydney, which has long been a breeding ground for political luminaries including Gough Whitlam, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
Today, the presidencies of the student representative council (SRC) and the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) are both held by candidates from Chinese international student blocs as are about half of the elected positions on student union boards
As recently as 2015, international students were scarcely involved in campus politics but that changed in 2016 with the election of Yifan "Koko" Kong, the first Chinese international student to win a seat on the student union board.
That ended the lock domestic students aligned with Labor, the Liberals and the Greens have held on campus for decades.
In blunt terms a bastion of whiteness has fallen swiftly. The fall can be attributed to a Vice Chancellor who was determined to see his university become more "diverse".
Meanwhile, the Law Council Australia and the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board, which is chaired by the Chief Justice Of NSW, Tom Bathurst, made history by authorising a private company to grant law degrees; that company happens to be listed in Hong Kong and has strong links to the Communist Party Of China.As reported by this writer:
Zhu Minshen's new Chinese website says the Law Council of Australia "officially approved" Top Education Institute's application to issue law degrees
Zhu's teaching methods are unique. In his 2018 book "Silent Invasion" Professor Clive Hamilton reports that Top Education Group's Zhu Minshen organised students , including students from his Top Education Institute to protest against Tibetans at the 2008 Olympic Torch rally, which counted towards the Top students’ assessment.As he puts it, Zhu’s Top Institution is “perhaps the only accredited degree program in Australia that counts agitating for a foreign power towards its qualifications.”
Zhu's law school will soon be producing LLB graduates who will qualify for admission to practise law in NSW and in Australia. As members of the various law societies they can, like the Chinese students at Sydney University gather sufficient support to control the leadership of those societies.
The conduct of the Law Council Australia and the NSW LPAB in the matter of Zhu Minshen has obvious national security implications that require immediate investigation. The recent introduction of foreign interference laws makes that requirement mandatory, if the objectives of those laws are to be achieved.
Chinese students dominate the cradle of Australian politics
By Nick Bonyhady
August 12, 2019 — 12.00am
Chinese international students now dominate campus politics at the University of Sydney, which has long been a breeding ground for political luminaries including Gough Whitlam, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
Today, the presidencies of the student representative council (SRC) and the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) are both held by candidates from Chinese international student blocs as are about half of the elected positions on student union boards.
Amid concerns about Chinese government influence in Australia and ongoing protests in Hong Kong, As recently as 2015, international students were scarcely involved in campus politics but that changed in 2016 with the election of Yifan "Koko" Kong, the first Chinese international student to win a seat on the student union board.
"You know how Labor left and Labor right can't really stand each other. They're still all Labor but you can't figure out why they can't stand each other?" Mr He said. "Sometimes it's like this."Chinese student leaders at the University of Sydney are divided over issues of how progressive or conservative their peers should be in Australia.
TEQSA's Nicholas Saunders granted Zhu Minshen's Top Group self accreditation rights despite Zhu granting academic credits for defying an AFP directive
By Nick Bonyhady
August 12, 2019 — 12.00am
Chinese international students now dominate campus politics at the University of Sydney, which has long been a breeding ground for political luminaries including Gough Whitlam, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
Today, the presidencies of the student representative council (SRC) and the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) are both held by candidates from Chinese international student blocs as are about half of the elected positions on student union boards.
Amid concerns about Chinese government influence in Australia and ongoing protests in Hong Kong, As recently as 2015, international students were scarcely involved in campus politics but that changed in 2016 with the election of Yifan "Koko" Kong, the first Chinese international student to win a seat on the student union board.
That ended the lock domestic students aligned with Labor, the Liberals and the Greens have held on campus for decades.
And it mirrors broader trends at Sydney University, where international student numbers have more than doubled since 2012. Those students, a majority of whom are Chinese, constitute about a third of the student population and pay tens of millions of dollars a year to the university on which it increasingly depends on.
The largest international student faction on campus is Panda, which is more conservative. It prioritises delivering services to students, wants cheaper transport for international students and generally mistrusts activism. Advance, its more progressive opponent, is more activist, with members decrying racism, opposing the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation and fighting for abortion access.
Such is the rancour between factions on campus, including Advance and Panda as well as domestic student groups, that the August SRC council meeting was cancelled because council staff deemed the level of hostility between all sides "unsafe", according to student newspaper Honi Soit.
Michael Rees, a former student union president, said there was a positive side to the division because it showed international students' diversity.
"There is this view that international Chinese students are a homogenous political community and it’s just so so wrong," Mr Rees said.
And a university spokeswoman said it was pleased to see international students getting involved.
"We have a strong history of political debate, activism and advocacy in our student body, and it’s encouraging to see this tradition extending to our international students to ensure our representative bodies are as diverse as our student population," the spokeswoman said.
SRC president Jacky He, a Panda leader who is from China but has permanent residency in Australia, said disagreements between his group and the more progressive Advance bloc were like clashes between different Labor factions.Mr He's chief antagonist is Decheng Sun, honorary secretary of the student union and an Advance leader. When Panda aligned itself with a Liberal faction on campus, Mr Sun said he "couldn't accept it because it was not my ideology."
And it mirrors broader trends at Sydney University, where international student numbers have more than doubled since 2012. Those students, a majority of whom are Chinese, constitute about a third of the student population and pay tens of millions of dollars a year to the university on which it increasingly depends on.
The largest international student faction on campus is Panda, which is more conservative. It prioritises delivering services to students, wants cheaper transport for international students and generally mistrusts activism. Advance, its more progressive opponent, is more activist, with members decrying racism, opposing the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation and fighting for abortion access.
Such is the rancour between factions on campus, including Advance and Panda as well as domestic student groups, that the August SRC council meeting was cancelled because council staff deemed the level of hostility between all sides "unsafe", according to student newspaper Honi Soit.
Michael Rees, a former student union president, said there was a positive side to the division because it showed international students' diversity.
"There is this view that international Chinese students are a homogenous political community and it’s just so so wrong," Mr Rees said.
And a university spokeswoman said it was pleased to see international students getting involved.
"We have a strong history of political debate, activism and advocacy in our student body, and it’s encouraging to see this tradition extending to our international students to ensure our representative bodies are as diverse as our student population," the spokeswoman said.
SRC president Jacky He, a Panda leader who is from China but has permanent residency in Australia, said disagreements between his group and the more progressive Advance bloc were like clashes between different Labor factions.Mr He's chief antagonist is Decheng Sun, honorary secretary of the student union and an Advance leader. When Panda aligned itself with a Liberal faction on campus, Mr Sun said he "couldn't accept it because it was not my ideology."
On the question of democracy in Hong Kong that has rocked other campuses, leading to physical clashes at the University of Queensland and the intimidation of at least one pro-democracy protester via threats to his family in China, both Mr Sun and Mr He are cagey.
Mr He said he could not "express any opinion on any of these things" and could not say how other Panda supporters would think about the issue while Mr Sun said he would "encourage representatives from my faction to vote upon their conscience. People have arguments on both sides, so it's complex."
Other Chinese students take a different approach.
Weihong Liang, who served two terms as SUPRA president until resigning in July when he graduated to take a job in China, is a member of the Chinese Communist Party. He said being a party member was common in China and did not mean he was a representative of the government.
"It does not mean all party members are leaders of the communist party, it just means [they are a] party member," Mr Liang said.
Nick Bonyhady
Nick is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald.
Mr He said he could not "express any opinion on any of these things" and could not say how other Panda supporters would think about the issue while Mr Sun said he would "encourage representatives from my faction to vote upon their conscience. People have arguments on both sides, so it's complex."
Other Chinese students take a different approach.
Weihong Liang, who served two terms as SUPRA president until resigning in July when he graduated to take a job in China, is a member of the Chinese Communist Party. He said being a party member was common in China and did not mean he was a representative of the government.
"It does not mean all party members are leaders of the communist party, it just means [they are a] party member," Mr Liang said.
Nick Bonyhady
Nick is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald.
TEQSA's Nicholas Saunders granted Zhu Minshen's Top Group self accreditation rights despite Zhu granting academic credits for defying an AFP directive
Australia's decision to allow a Communist Party China linked school to produce lawyers who can practise in Australian courts is a world first: Scrutiny of senior judicial officers under Australia's foreign interference rules unavoidable, as would be scrutiny by agencies in the US,UK
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