Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Macquarie Group's Macquarie AirFinance business with AirAsiaX complicated by UK corruption findings : Are there offences against Australian AML/CTF regulations

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Flightgobal has reported that Macquarie Group's Macquarie AirFinance is among Tony Fernandes' Air Asia X creditors. 

As reported previously on this blog, Airbus has admitted facts before the UK Crown Court, which effectively prevent the company from dealing Air Asia X for so long as Tony Fernnandes and Kamaruddin Mehranun remain in charge of the company: 

For so long as Tony Fernnandes and Kamaruddin Mehranun remain in charge of the company other companies dealing with AAX, including Macquarie Group's Macquarie AirFinance  would be seen to be dealing with a company and persons against whom there are findings which relate to corruption, AML and CTF rules in the  UK, and in Australia, which has similar rules to the UK.   

This not to say that Macquarie is required to write-ff the debt; it simply means that a solution will have to be found so as to not offend Australian and other know your customer rules.


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Airbus will not, cannot deal with AirAsia, AirAsiaX-AA, AAX fleet is entirely Airbus, so how much are AA and AAX worth?

by Ganesh Sahathevan

                                               AIRASIA SUPERSIZES ITS FLEET TO LOWER FARES
                                                         This was the case just under a year ago

Reuters reported: 

Airbus (AIR.PA) has put six jets made for one of its largest customers up for sale after giving up on Malaysia’s AirAsia (AIRA.KL) taking delivery of them, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Airbus's sale comes after its admission before UK's Criminal Court that it bribed AA officials,which Tony Fernandes and Mehranun admitted was a reference to them. That admission effectively prevents Airbus from future dealings with AA and AAX: 

Airbus admission prevents further business with Airasia: BDO Governance Advisory findings meaningless. given Airbus admission before the UK Crown Court,and cannot be a substitute for MACC, police, SC investigation

AA and AAX's fleet is entirely Airbus. AA and AAX's growth is impeded, and operational issues, such as maintenance and parts, are likely. 
Add to that AA and AAX's financial problems, and what really are these companies worth? Are they worth anything at all?

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