Saturday, January 23, 2021

College Of Law Sydney's LLM degrees offered in Malaysia, Singapore, ASEAN not recognised even in Australia: College Of Law Sydney not among law schools certified by the Australian Law Schools Standards Committee

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


Readers will recall that Sydney's College Of Law has begun offering a range of LLMs, or Masters Of Law courses in Malaysia, Singapore and the rest of ASEAN on the strength of its standing in Australia, and its contribution to legal practise in Malaysia going back to the 80s. As New Malaysia Times has reported, the College's past and recent business in Malaysia is shrouded in mystery. Silence on the part of the College's advisers in Malaysia, Dinesh Bashkaran of Shearn & Wong Tat Chung of Wong Beng Toh, who are senior members of the Malaysian Bar , has only deepened the mystery. 

Now it has been discovered that the College Of Law Sydney, and thus the LLM courses it offers,are not certified by even the Council Of Australian Law Deans and its   Australian Law Schools Standards Committee.

The Australian Law Schools Standards Committee (ALSSC) is established under Standard 12 of the Australian Law School Standards. The ALSSC’s functions are to:

  • consider and determine applications from law schools for certification as compliant with the Standards; and
  •  keep the Standards under review and to propose to CALD amendments from time to time.

The ALSSC is comprised of eight committee members from both within and outside the law school sector.

A list of the Australian Law Schools that are certified as at 9 March 2020 is available here.               

Readers can see for themselves from the PDF link above that the College Of Law Sydney is not among those listed as being certified by the CALD.


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