Saturday, January 23, 2021

Australia and its High Commissioner attempt to impose Australian LGBT norms on Malaysia, critical of Malaysia's sharia law: unclear how his intervention serves Australia's interests

 by Ganesh Sahathevan

Australia's High Commissioner to Malaysia Andrew Goledzinowski

Australia's High Commissioner to Malaysia Andrew Goledzinowski has issued at least two tweets critical of Malaysia's sharia based LGBT laws. It is unclear how these tweets serve Australia's interests in Malaysia and the ASEAN region:

A 1st for
Flag of Malaysia
. Terengganu flogs women for “attempted sex”. Terengganu is not a UN member. But
Flag of Malaysia
is a UN member and will sign #UNhumanrights treaties. So these floggings will be the last?
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JUST IN: Two women who have been charged for same-sex relations were caned today in Terrengganu despite a widespread outcry against their sentencing. The duo, aged 32 and 22, were caned this morning whilst witnessed by some 100 people

Unfortunate news...
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The Star
Minister: Heavier punishments on LGBT not ruled out thestar.co

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