Friday, November 13, 2020

Austria will outlaw political islam, comprehending how it feeds jihadism-Finally, some realisation in the West of Muslim scholar Basam Tibi has warned of since the 80s.

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Beim Ministerrat haben wir ein umfassendes Paket mit 2 großen Zielen verabschiedet: 1. Ein konsequentes Vorgehen gegen Terroristen und Gefährder. 2. Ein entschiedenes Vorgehen gegen die Ideologie dahinter, gegen den politischen Islam, der die Grundlage für den Terror bildet.
Translated from German by
At the Council of Ministers we adopted a comprehensive package with two major goals: 1. A consistent approach against terrorists and those who threaten them. 2. Resolute action against the ideology behind it, against the political Islam that is the basis of terror.

The Daily Mail UK has reported:

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz's cabinet today agreed on a wide range of anti-terrorism measures meant to plug perceived security flaws identified after a deadly attack by an Islamic extremist in Vienna last week.

'We will create a criminal offence called 'political Islam' in order to be able to take action against those who are not terrorists themselves, but who create the breeding ground for them,' Kurz tweeted after the Cabinet meeting.

The danger  of political Islam is well understood even in  countries with large Muslim populations such as Malaysia and Indonesia. In the West however there has been a refusal to acknowledge that danger. In Australia for example political Islam is considered, especially by the better educated, as simply another version of the Catholic-Protestant sectarian wars that the country experienced from foundation and well into the 20th century.

This arrogance born of ignorance persists despite warnings from Muslim such as Professor Basam Tibi who warned:

Political Islam can be institutional and peaceful, but there are those who support it with jihadism. This is something other than the traditional Islamic jihad. The reference of this ideology to Islam complicates the issue, for there are serious Muslims who interpret criticisms of jihadism as attacks on Islam.

However, owing to the rise of the political culture of multiculturalism in the West, the censorship of political correctness has outlawed the reference to the cultural origins of people, and any relating of these to, or combining them with, conflict studies. The ideology of jihadism has typically been reduced to a religious fanaticism or a mere protest against hegemonic structures.


“Jihadism’s roots in political Islam”
by Bassam Tibi

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